We've had as much as we can take of the GOP propaganda and in the recent election McCain had the audacity of selecting a vacuous skirt as his running mate and lauding her vast experience in comparison to Obama and Biden.
We have an obvious bimbo Palin-who described herself as a pitbull with lipstick. "Teflon Ronnie" got in because of his notoriety mainly from subpar acting performances as exemplified in "Bonzo goes to College". By the way the monkee stole the show as he had more ability than Reagan. I guess "Tricky Dick" renting the dog in his famous "Checkers" speech gave the GOP the idea that red staters are suckers for candidates who have animals.
As long as we have a GOP propaganda campaign geared to help W's legacy we are reminded of how much there is really hate about the GOP. W should just slink out quietly. He is probably afraid that when the investigations start he will want some hypocrisy to point to.
W is relying on his one accepting audience-those dim-witted red staters--"1984's" "proles" to be believe any trash as the soulless dolt had the audacity to say "One of the things about the presidency is you deal with a lot of tragedy -- whether it be hurricanes, or tornadoes, or fires or death -- and you spend time being the comforter in chief," Bush said. "But the idea of being able to serve a nation you love is -- has been joyful. In other words, my spirits have never been down. I have been sad, but the spirits are up."
His presidency was joyful. How can he say that with all of the death and destruction he has been responsible for? You wonder how he can look himself in the mirror every day and how his wife and family can stomach being with him.
In his recent interview with ABC News' Charlie Gibson Turd Blossom had W say "A lot of people put their reputations on the line and said the weapons of mass destruction is a reason to remove Saddam Hussein. It wasn't just people in my administration. A lot of members in Congress, prior to my arrival in Washington, D.C., during the debate on Iraq, a lot of leaders of nations around the world were all looking at the same intelligence."
The trouble with that is that the Phase 2 of the Senate Investigation into the pre-war Iraq intelligence clearly demonstrated that big bro 43's made up lie after lie regarding Iraq and the nature of their non-existing ability to be an "imminent threat" to the US. That didn't stop W from lying as he said "I wish the intelligence had been different, I guess."
What does that mean? W wished Hussein had nuclear WMD that could produce the smoking mushroom cloud that his National Security Advisor Condi Rice warned us about? Remember back in the days before the Iraq war began how the US main-stream media followed the GOP cue. What if they had been as aggressive in searching for the truth as they were with Palin? Their representatives say that the US was still getting over 9/11 and we had to show our solidarity with big bro 43. let's pray that we've learned our lesson.
When pressed by Gibson, Bush declined to "speculate" on whether he would still have gone to war if he knew Saddam didn't have weapons of mass destruction.
"That is a do-over that I can't do," Bush said.
Big bro 43 is thinking about his legacy. The US main-stream media realized it was complicit in not being the arbiter of truth it should have been in the run-up to the Iraq war and it didn't McCain get away with as much propaganda as it did Rove in 2000 and 2002 and 2004. Having said that the article "On a Farewell Tour of Sorts, Bush Reflects on His Record" at
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should have been relabeled a with "Ministry of Truth session" being part of the title.
It states "Bush asserts success in combating AIDS in Africa, preventing new terrorist attacks on U.S. soil and snatching a measure of victory in Iraq. And in a speech on the Middle East yesterday, the president sketched out a strikingly optimistic portrait of a region that has embroiled the United States in war and conflict for the past eight years.
"The Middle East in 2008 is a freer, more hopeful and more promising place than it was in 2001," he said at the Saban Forum in Washington.
Bush has also been notably open in recent weeks about his low popularity, his reliance on religious faith and his keen desire to steal away from the limelight after Jan. 20. He has admitted to a few previously unacknowledged errors, telling one interviewer that he was "unprepared for war" when he entered office and that his "biggest regret" was the failure of intelligence leading up to the Iraq invasion."
He lies as the article continues "While saying he is "sorry" for the economic crisis, he says most of the problems began before he took office."
W is defiant as the article continues "For Bush, to be unyielding is a matter of principle. "The thing that's important for me is to get home and look in that mirror and say, 'I did not compromise my principles,' " Bush said in an interview with ABC News. "And I didn't. I made tough calls. And some presidencies have got a lot of tough decisions to make."
The people's view of big bro 43 is reflected in the fact that he has the lowest popularity ratings of any US president ever, but as, the article continues "There is a natural inclination among all presidents to focus on accomplishments," said Norman J. Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute. "But here you have a president in George Bush who hates to admit mistakes, who hates to admit errors, and that is something that has been a basic problem for him."
Why the Washington Post is allowing an American Enterprise Institute right-wing propagandist describe big bro 43 is beyond me even though the analysis criticizes the sorry lame-duck.
Why give up space in the paper for this hypocrisy? The article continues a big bro 43 lie "He said unseating Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was justified and portrayed Iraq as "a powerful example of a moderate, prosperous, free nation." He asserted that "important progress" had been made in the stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace process, and he hailed negotiations over Iran's nuclear ambitions -- talks that he resisted early in his administration.
He also acknowledged, but played down, the setbacks that have bedeviled his administration in the Middle East. "As with any large undertaking, these efforts have not always gone according to plan, and in some areas we have fallen short of our hopes," Bush said, adding that the war in Iraq "has been longer and more costly than expected."
In these exit interviews, legacy burnishing attempts the fool with 22% approval rating is going to do what he has always done. Remember "Mission Accomplished"? W will do any hair-brained scam Rove sets him up to do. You wonder if "Herr Karl" doesn't secretly hate his dunce puppet who will be claiming credit for gains in the Middle East-which by the way is as non-existent as the gain in Iraq, and blaming others for problems with the economy and the pre-war Iraq intelligence. Topics such as his pardoning of Libby for lying about the pre-war Iraq intelligence and Katrina and Hadley for letting his "16 words" about the pre-war Iraq intelligence and the illegal NSA eavesdropping on US citizens and torture and rendition will be ignored. The list of items to be avoided is too long, but let me add being the only president ever to roll out a war during an election cycle--and last, but not least in an abbreviated listing of his non-governance of the US, not raising taxes during a war to reduce the deficit that wars cause.
Regarding his remark that the mortgage crisis happened as a result of other people's fault the article "Bush administration ignored mortgage crisis warnings -- Proposals to halt risky loans killed, documents show" at
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shows that W was so busy looking out for the top 1% that the bottom 99% was sacrificed.
The article states "The Bush administration backed off proposed crackdowns on no-money- down, interest-only mortgages years before the economy collapsed, buckling to pressure from some of the same banks that have now failed. It ignored remarkably prescient warnings that foretold the financial meltdown, according to an Associated Press review of regulatory documents.
"Expect fallout, expect foreclosures, expect horror stories," California mortgage lender Paris Welch wrote to U.S. regulators in January 2006, about one year before the housing implosion cost her a job.
Bowing to aggressive lobbying - along with assurances from banks that the troubled mortgages were OK - regulators delayed action for nearly one year. By the time new rules were released late in 2006, the toughest of the proposed provisions were gone and the meltdown was under way."
The US public is used to this kind of non-action as Bush received the presidential daily briefing titled "bin laden determined to strike within the US" well before 9/11 and did nothing. We learned that now Obama gets 7 briefings per week and the commander-in-chief only 6 weekly. Maybe the day he got the warning about bin laden W considered to be his day off and slacked just as he did while getting his gentleman's C from Yale.
What will doom him to hatred is the Iraq war. The US main-stream media has been supportive of his plan to increase the amount of US deaths and lost treasure in Iraq otherwise labeled "the surge". Remember how he had a panel headed by his Poppy's advisor, and the man who helped W steal Florida in 2000, James Baker. Remember how for months he told the US to be patient while the commission did its work? Baker's recommendation was to reduce forces in Iraq.
Of course W wanted a real "Mission Accomplished". All psychopaths want reality to mimic their delusions of grandeur, and no matter how much US blood and treasure had to be wasted, W was determined to have his way, even if he had to defy the recommendation he vowed to follow.
Just today W had the unmitigated audacity to croon "Today, violence is down dramatically. Our forces have struck powerful blows against al-Qaida. The Iraqi military is growing in capability, taking the lead in the fight against the extremists, and working across sectarian lines. Thousands of our finest citizens have given their lives to make our country safer and bring us to this new day. The war in Iraq is not yet over, but thanks to these agreements and the courage of our men and women in Iraq, it is decisively on its way to being won."
Maybe someone should clue in the US populace that Sunnis and Shiites have been killing each other in Iraq since the days of the Ottoman Empire and that Sadr has been giving warnings that if the US stays in Iraq that he'll allow his Shiites "Death Squads" to kill US soldiers and Iraqi security forces.