Bi-Polar disorder has become rampant among adults as well as children. These are not contagious diseases. We can't catch these diseases from each other. So how do we get them?
                                ÂLet's talk about Mercury poisoning. We are now being told that mercury is good for us...our children, even though for years we have been told that it causes brain damage. Yet mercury destroys the brains neurons, and causes autism.
We should all be aware of how poisonous fluoride is by now. Yet, Germany during the second world war used it as a way of controlling the population, and now our government is doing the same. ADD and ADHD are caused by fluoride. Not only this, but it reduces the IQ of our children and can cause sterility in women. After years of accumulating in our bodies it can manifest itself in the form of unexplained aches and pains, such as fibromyalgia, a disease that was once considered an imaginary disease by doctors and has only recently been recognized as a real disease.  Surprised? Well, it has been well document and known by the CDC for years that fluoride was a toxic poison and still they put it into our drinking water, food. Why?
... the fluoridation of community water supplies can no longer be held to be either safe or effective in the reduction of dental caries....Therefore, the practice should be abandoned."- Foulkes, 1992For the rich to stay in power they must be able to control the masses. The only way to do that is to reduce their intelligence, to create a population of drones who can do the menial work without complaint. The problem is, they are creating a population of idiots and children unable to live in a normal society. More and more people are succumbing to the effects of the very controlling agents they have been using to control us. The rest of us are controlled by fear.
Watch the video and see for yourself how easy it has been for our government to betray it's populous. Are you mad yet? Don't get mad...get even.
 "CREATING A NATION OF ZOMBIES"                  Â