The Democratic Party Was Killed by The Clintons, Resurrected as Right Wing. We can turn it True Blue Again
(Image by DonkeyHotey first two, public domain last) Details DMCA
Take Back the Democratic Party; First article in a series
If you were a Bernie Sanders supporter-- one of the 14 million plus-- then you're probably pretty disgusted with the current Democratic Party, the DNC and the leadership. I certainly feel that the leadership and most of the current elected officials are bad, ie., worse than worthless, a danger to Democracy and the constituents they are supposed to represent.
Fortunately, there's a lot that can be done if the people who supported Bernie Sanders get together and work to make change happen.
This is the first in a series of articles, so, consider it very incomplete, and I invite you to also write articles along these lines-- envisioning ways the Democratic party is problematic and ways to take it back with the intention of running it and candidates with visions along the lines Bernie Sanders described in his campaign. I've also created a Facebook Group Take Back The Democratic Party, to help coordinate efforts. I encourage you to join it.
I attended a meeting, on a very snowy day, in downtown Philly, characterized as "Leadership Training for 'Our Revolution'
Much of the discussion was about taking back the Democratic party and dealing with the mainstream media. I'll be covering dealing with the MSM in other articles.
We discussed the need to go Bottom Up local in taking back the Democratic party-- that there are, hundreds of committee person slots open throughout the state of Pennsylvania. For many of these slots simply volunteering to fill them will be welcomed. Volunteer and you get the slot.
(Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher).