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Terrorism A La Mode

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Shawn Connors
Message Shawn Connors

Since September 11th, 2001 the word "terror" in all of its forms has pummeled the American people like a UFC fighter.  There is no doubt that terrorism exists in large part due to a foreign policy that fosters "blowback" as the CIA, the 9/11 Commission and Congressman Ron Paul distinctly state.  However, the true extent of terrorism Americans are threatened with is debatable.  In the United States we are inundated with the word "terrorism" daily.  A Google internet search for the word "terrorism" reveals over 47 million hits.  On any day the word "terrorism" flashes on cable news channels hundreds  of times.  Media talking heads and journalists mention it as often as necessary to instill the desired effect.  Government officials use the word unceasingly to justify legislation and amass support for usurping American freedoms.

The word itself has no agreed upon definition.  John V. Whitbeck wrote in the International Herald Tribune "It is no accident that there is no agreed definition of terrorism, since the word is so subjective as to be devoid of any inherent meaning. At the same time, the word is extremely dangerous, because people tend to believe that it does have meaning, and they use and abuse it by applying it to whatever they hate as a way of avoiding rational thought..."  The sheer flexibility of the word "terrorism" has worked perfectly for power elitists who own our media and shape our current events.  The "War on Drugs" slogan in all its glory couldn't gain the momentum to control people the way the "Global War on Terror" has.  The propaganda potential for "terrorism" is explosive, no pun intended. 
Everyday, illegal aliens walk across wide open U.S. borders and according to the U.S. Border Patrol as many as 10,000 illegal immigrants cross the border each day.  That means roughly 70,000 non U.S. citizens a week.  Imagine Chicago's Soldier Field filled to capacity each and every week with people that walk across our border.  This includes a packed infield.....are you getting a visual?  Pretty obvious any "global terrorist" could join them, yet the Department of Homeland Security conveniently ignores this fact while simultaneously calling for legislation to withhold your rights as an American Citizen.  What sparks public outrage is that our government ignores obvious flaws in our national security such as along the border while at the same time restricting its own citizen's rights in an effort to combat "global terrorism."  Nevertheless, the main stream media and government officials denounce groups like the non-profit Minutemen who make an effort to assemble and prevent illegal immigration on their own dime.  It seems that they are more concerned about Americans organizing, than illegal immigration and the disease, crime, drugs, welfare, anchor babies, abuses and possible "terrorism" that derive from it.  

The priorities of our current government become grim when one examines recent legislation.  Several laws have been passed for domestic control which makes the "Global" part of "Global War on Terror" questionable.  The loss of Habeas Corpus, intrusive wire tapping, warrantless search and seizure, military troops patrolling our streets, road blocks and gun confiscation are just the beginning.  Combine these Police State tactics with the current rights being attacked such as halting home schooling and small farm agriculture, forcing RFID chips and immunization on children, curtailing freedom of speech or preventing the right to bare arms or the right to peaceably assemble and any person can decipher the results of the "Global War on Terror."   It seems "terrorism" has increasingly been used to pass legislation that rapes the U.S. Bill of Rights while it does nothing to protect our borders or people.  In the same instance, those who look to the constitution for protection are considered "enemy combatants" and the government grows larger while you are deemed expendable. 

Recently the FBI's "Terrorist Watch List" exceeded one million people. That list corresponds directly with the TSA's "No Fly List."  51,000 Americans have been detained and harassed in our nation's airports, including a 5 year old boy because his name was on the "watch list."  Americans understand the need for heightened security, but anyone with common sense would assume that when the TSA realized their mistake, they would have handled the child differently.  Instead, the opposite is true, the little boy was scrutinized and searched while his parents were also questioned and searched intensely.  No contact was allowed and when the mother tried to hug the child and assure him everything was alright, the TSA separated them and searched both again to make sure no weapons or "terrorist" activity ensued.  If you wanted to discredit the idea of homeland security and make a mockery of their ridiculous behavior, it doesn't take much effort; unfortunately, it's not funny but frightening.  Considering these government departments have unlimited funding, what daily exercise will they enforce next? 

Paul Joseph Watson, Kurt Nimmo and Alex Jones reported on PrisonPlanet.com that the Missouri State Police have training documents that detail more information about American citizens than foreign "terrorists" and they write "A secret report distributed by the Missouri Information Analysis Center lists Ron Paul supporters, libertarians, people who display bumper stickers, people who own gold, or even people who fly a U.S. flag and equates them with radical race hate groups and terrorists. This is merely the latest example in an alarming trend which confirms that law enforcement across the country is being trained that American citizens are a dangerous enemy".  The evidence is mounting that average John Doe and Suzy Q. American are being targeted.  If these training documents are surfacing in Missouri, they are surfacing in every state.  These documents originate at the Federal level.  You ARE the suspicious American, guilty until proven innocent.  Your right to a phone call and attorney are gone.  They don't need to charge you with a crime and can hold you indefinitely as an "enemy combatant."  

If you believe in the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. Bill of Rights, and support what our Founding Fathers died to ink on parchment, you are considered a "terrorist."  If you believe in a political party outside of the indoctrinated two party system, you are considered a "terrorist."   Know this, the Revolutionary War was organized by 15% of the population at the time; they were considered "terrorists."  As states assert their 10th amendment right of sovereignty, perhaps it is time to look closely at who the "terrorists" really are.  Since no agreeable definition of "terrorism" exists, ask others to wake from their media-induced stupor of "Terrorism a la mode" and consider who oppresses them.  Every American should ask....  Who denies your freedoms?  Who restricts your movement?  Who refuses your right to speak or protect yourself?  Who threatens your way of life?  Who coerces you to obey with violence and intimidation?  Who keeps you in a state of fear and submission?  When you answer those questions, you know who terrorizes you.

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Shawn Connors is a published author who concentrates his efforts on writing articles about political corruption.
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Terrorism A La Mode

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