Mothers, I don't think men know who you are
I don't think men remember
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"-
Then, go ahead men
Keep killing
The mothers' first born
Men, keep killing
Other men
Men, keep killing
Their daughters
Men, keep killing
The planet
Women's choice
Their world view
Men, keep killing
A mother's hope
A mother's peace
Men, remember Cindy Sheehan?
The fly in Bush's ointment
The reminder
Bush is not the anointed one
A reminder that he has no answers
Regarding her dead son
And, she's not the only one
Moms seek the answers to this:
Does democracy always start with guns?
The Feminist Movement isn't over
Mothers know that
CODEPINK has Moms politically organizing
In Black Churches, Moms always raise the money
NOW is still now
Unlike Congress
National Council of Negro Women
Moms made the NAACP
Black sororities
Always been down
Black Liberation through education
MADD mobilized and changed laws
They continue to end the madness
That we men create
Men, be very scared
Mothers don't need to be poked
Like Limbaugh's imaginary, Conservative bear
Men, don't stoke
A mother's anger
"-Cause when a mother moves
Men, beware!
Every day is Mother's Day
So men
If you can't move with the mothers
You best get out the way!