A people's morality--or lack thereof--affects (or infects) everything in their lives, and the lives of everyone they affect.
I was stricken with an incurable curse, of necessarily clear-eyed seeing what others willfully blind themselves to, way back when liberals were war profiteering from "winning the hearts and minds" of Vietnamese peasants--by napalming their villages and putting any survivors in concentration camps, while innumerable shiploads of chemicals were dumped from the sky upon all their forests and rice paddies to liberally ensure that the 3 million industrially mass-murdered there would be replaced by future generations that would have fetal deformities.
Now liberals are ramping up the use of private mercenaries to continue the waging of publicly funded endless wars of convenience, to steal from others a comfortable standard of living for themselves instead of earning it themselves. Immediately upon taking office Obama quickly increased the pressure of economic incentives for the underprivileged to "volunteer" to become heroic war criminals. Kids not from the relatively affluent liberal homes (unable to find any good and productive employment in the neoliberal Corporate Party managed economy) are economic draft seduced into playing video games in DOD-provided arcades on stateside military bases here--virtually blasting to bits any images that move on their computer screens--thereby through the technological magic of liberal preferred standoff weaponry leaving any number of nameless natural persons murdered way over there... on the other side of the planet.
Having mesmerized masses, with his manufacture of mountains of money to provide bountiful bonuses for his copiously campaign contributing financial criminal friends (whose record-breaking crimes were liberal-rationalized to be too big to prosecute), Obama has effortlessly recruited fraudulently self-identifying "progressive" Democrats into gathering support for his preservation of a thoroughly rotten private medical insurance profit burdened SickCare system--with intent to maintain the medical insurance chaining of workers to their employers. For obfuscatory purposes, Obama has deployed a "government option" ploy that's designed to only appear to be a "good faith" effort to test provide what only a real national Single-Payer healthcare system could and would provide. Obama's totally inadequate "government option" is purposefully designed to spectacularly fail, so that it can be corporate-state propaganda used to permanently discredit the only real way for a nation to actually provide truly effective, economical and sustainable universal healthcare for all (a Single-Payer system requiring everyone to all be in the same publicly funded plan together).
Obama made it perfectly clear during his campaigning that he'd provide "real" wars rather than "dumb" wars, and that his position on the actual sane and sensible Single-Payer healthcare needed was No We Can't! Those who voted for Obama are complicit in his crimes against peace and social justice... complicit in his earnest preservation of all the rot he could possibly protect of a collapsing system owned and governed by an organized corporate crime syndicate... complicit in his prevention of the changes we really needed and could have had--if those mindless millions of liberal voters hadn't supported his obvious fraudulence. In fairness, it's possible that there may have been many well-intentioned liberals, who nonetheless voted for Obama only because they were done in by their racism. They were so amazed that a person with black skin could be articulate that they didn't pay attention to what he articulated in his promises.
There was a time when the word "guilt" was the word most closely associated with liberal Democrats, because--unlike their Corporate Party full partner Republican-- liberals were back then capable of feeling shame for their part in the corporate state's crimes. But it's clear that's no longer the case, in their support of either federal or state politics.
The liberal loved James F. Brennan has crafted a very craftily BIG "D" deceitful New York State Assembly bill (A08748), that's sponsored by a cluster of the most liberal of liberals. It's intended to protect New York City's water supply, while a vast area of rural New York State's farm and forest land is Halliburton Iraqified, for the extraction of the last remaining remnants of natural gas trapped so tightly within stone that it can't possibly be gotten in any environmentally safe manner. Brennan's bill surreptitiously seeks to protect the politically powerful, while in a most BIG "D" devious way ruthlessly exploiting the politically weak. It would serve to facilitate the most desperate of measures to maintain fossil fuel dependance as long as possible, while preserving and protecting the profits of the corporations still considered campaign-contribution politically significant. That's just one of the myriad present proofs positive that liberals have MovedOn... that their hearts are hardened and their souls are lost, because they are apparently no longer capable of feeling the shame that they now so very personally should.