Onward we go round the spiral,
Touching darkness, touching light.
Twice each turn we stop in balance,
Make choices on this night.
Make choices on this night.
This Wednesday's Libra Moon is the first full Moon of the astrological year, which begins with Aries. It is a special Moon for many religions, especially Judaism and Christianity, because it marks both Passover and Christ's Resurrection on Easter. Each Spring we welcome back the fertility, warmth and abundant Life of the Earth, celebrating and honoring the cosmic law and gift of Mother Earth--life will return! The Mother's Ouroboros swallows his own tail as a pledge to this eternal return. Life arises out of death, just as death is part of life.
Many cultures honored the importance of this first Full Moon of Spring, celebrating it as New Year. During this time, Judaism celebrates the ideals of freedom and the possibility of a new life. The Christian Resurrection celebrates the eternal life of our Spirit as well as the renewal of all life. (Jesus comes back in the body as well as in spirit). Knowing we are eternal Spirit also sets us free! Our cultural bias about death is pretty fear-based. We often confuse the suffering and pain surrounding death with punishment rather than seeing it as a natural process of life. We are all nailed to the cross of Matter. Our own fears often make the pain of loss, betrayal and death worse than it need be. In truth, death, like birth, is a passage from one life to another. It's the labor that's hard.
Freedom is the natural state of humanity, as it is of all life. Nature is not about ownership. The cosmic laws we all inhabit (you can also call them archetypes) show us that we are free to experience what life has to offer us, free to create our lives, free to make choices.
But it seems our souls must experience limitations here on Earth as part of life's lessons (imagine how limited our Spirit's self-awareness is in our human form). The societies we create order and limit our experiences in different ways. Our patriarchal society for the past 4,000 years has slowly taken away our freedom (substituting security and comfort), raped women's bodies and powers, and pillaged the Earth for its treasures. Rules bind our outer lives, just as "sins' bind our inner life. Our soul's experiences living through many lifetimes of patriarchy have created chains that keep us from our freedom.
But this first full Moon of Spring celebrates the breaking the chains of death as well as of our limitations. The Christ Story says that God sent part of himself--his Son--into human form. No matter how religions have twisted it, the divine story says that humans are also Divine. When we remember we are and act on it, we find the freedom to make responsible choices to be good stewards of life here on Earth. Perhaps our ultimate purpose is to bring the Kingdom of Heaven here to Earth. If so, it's time to start.
The way to attain freedom is to become conscious of who you are--the good, the bad and the ugly--of what you love, what you desire, what you value, what you want to create and how you plan to serve. Once you know your "story', the choices you make will lead you to your destiny.
Libra Full Moon: Right Action is based on Wisdom
If you've been reading any other astrologers, you already know how intense this week is going to be. Instead of telling you what to watch out for and how to avoid hidden traps, I'm going to tell you a different story--a story of what the highest potentials of this week's energies can bring you. I've already stated it above. This is really a time of resurrection! Isn't it time to live your truth?
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