My five year old step-daughter Ava explained Wisdom this way when talking about how she loves her family.
"Wisdom is when you know you love them in your heart, but you haven't figured it out on the outside yet."
The energies leading up to this full Moon have been intense. With the 2nd Uranus/Pluto square last week, we've really entered a time of radical re-alignment and re-structuring of our personal habits and our collective enterprises. With the Sun moving into Libra on Saturday, September 22 at 7:49am PDT/10:49 am EDT, our collective attention (Sun) turns toward partnerships (Libra), as we develop a new paradigm, forged by Saturn at 30* Libra, energized by the Uranus/Pluto T-square and taken for a test drive when this full Moon forms a T-square with Uranus/Pluto.
Libra: The Possibilities of Partnership
Ah, if we could be as wise as Ava! The knowing about having love in our hearts makes figuring out the right expression of that love important.
There are so many ways to show our care; so many ways to be in relationship. Knowing ourselves to be equal partners is crucial -- we are each creating the moment and are responsible for choosing whether we exercise our free will or not. The "right response' is never the same, either with the same person or a different person. Finding the right response requires staying conscious in the moment. Remembering our heart love allows Wisdom to step in and show us the specific way to achieve the right balance in any situation. The heart is wiser than the mind. The heart is the primal foundation of life, the first organ to awaken in the fetus, having its own nervous system and more energy output than the brain.
Just as the Heart is the balance point in the chakra system, and Libra is a balance point in the year, there seems to be a need for balance in our DNA. Both the Tao's Yin and Yang and the balance of Libra's scales come down to us from very ancient times, and of course mating is essential to how our species thrives. True partnership between male and female, masculine and feminine consciousness, heaven and earth, spirit and form is Cosmic Law. Yet patriarchy has tried to over throw it, creating imbalance from the get-go by condemning the feminine side of life as irrelevant and often sinful, except of course, in catering to its own needs. We are facing the dire results of that imbalance which gives prominence to all things masculine and puts the feminine in a subservient position.
Giving value to the feminine
qualities of life brings everything back into balance, allowing us to balance
head and heart, left and right sides of the brain, as well as enhancing the
beautiful dance between people, the back and forth, give and take of any
relationship dance. Masculine rational
consciousness is taken deeper and made more fruitful when feminine
consciousness considers those perceptions on a feeling and imaginal level. The combination opens us to Wisdom.
Being balanced requires that I stay on my own side of the scale and allow the Other their side. When I allow myself to listen to and open to the Other, I can grow in what I know, what I feel and what I believe. I can stand in my truth yet be kind in meeting the situation, and that allows the other person to come closer to their own truth. Instead of pulling apart, the back and forth of fine-tuning the balance finally creates a silent stillness. A sense of peace emerges because both sides have what we want and perhaps what we need. The right balance has been struck!
So who's been having relationship issues for the past 3 years? Have you resolved them? The relationship taskmaster has been teaching us lessons about fairness and justice, and now things are about to change. A week after this full moon that highlights the signs of Libra and Aries, Saturn will move out of Libra on October 5, hopefully having taught us many lessons about relationships and true partnering. Saturn has been in Libra since November 2009 and won't be back again until September 2039. This was our best chance to learn about and work on our relationship lessons, because soon Saturn plunges into the dark, murky transformational waters of Scorpio until December 2014. And that's a whole other story!
With Saturn in a beneficial aspect to Neptune in Pisces at this full Moon, we now have a chance to make our dreams come true. It begins with developing a sense of groundedness (Saturn) and stillness within (Pisces), so we can visualize what it is we want to create. Saturn steps into the role of Captain Jean-Luc Picard as he directs his will out into the fascinating mysteries of out space (or the inner space of the collective unconscious = Pisces). Use your imagination and "make it so'.
The Libra balance is best expressed with the exuberant Full Moon in Aries. Without our Aries' deep need to live our own life, we can easily get lost in the "should and oughts' of the patriarchal rules of the "relationship game'. Because all too often, relationships become a game, a game of acquisition, conquest, battles, jealousy, betrayal, failure. Under patriarchy, sexuality became a hurtful game of domination and violence. This is a big issue this full Moon as Venus and Mars challenge each other to let go of drama (Venus in Leo) and the need for conquest and control (Mars in Scorpio).
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