The Cosmic Story: Leo Full Moon 2013
The Capricorn New Moon was a time to plant the seed of personal destiny--what public role can we take on that expresses our personal values and interests? What do we have to contribute to our culture, our community and our world? The sign of Capricorn sets up the collective structures that serve our needs. The energy of Capricorn sets up the rules by which we decide how to live our lives. Capricorn is the cardinal Earth sign, the Earth sign that wants to create movement and change within society. Since Pluto went into Capricorn in late 2008, we've discovered that there's quite a bit of corruption and decay in our society that needs our attention--not only the government's attention, but every citizen's attention. If we want to be free, we have a responsibility to do something about it. We have to become aware and responsible citizens.
After a New Moon, the Sun and Moon begin to separate. The Sun continues its journey through the sign it occupies, while the Moon sets off on a journey through other signs as its light grows until it stands opposite the Sun at the next full Moon. As it travels, the Moon connects to the other planets and distributes their energy for our use to fulfill the promise of the New Moon seed. The first planet the Moon contacted after the Capricorn New Moon was Uranus in Aries, reminding us that our freedom is up to us. That contact sets the tone for the Moon's growth. Its message: Grow into your true identity. Throughout these last two weeks, the Moon made contact with all the planets, bringing all parts of our cosmic instructions into play.
And during the waxing of the Moon
from new to full, some of the other planets have been making connections. The results of these interactions are picked
up by the Moon as she sails by. Venus,
the planet of Love, connection, Wisdom and wholeness came into contact with 3
big astrological hitters. Venus and Uranus created some interesting fun
moments, reminding us that innovation comes from the imagination and just being
ourselves. Then Venus joined with Pluto,
bringing us face to face with our deepest desires and obsessions. Hopefully, this conjunction gave us the
insights we need to heal our old emotional wounds and get on with life. Soon after that, Venus connected with Saturn,
giving us the grounding we need to proceed with our plans. Did you
experience an awakening, a transformation and a renewal of your love energy
these past two weeks?

Venus transit over the Sun
(Image by Details DMCA
Venus is a big player in the Cosmic Story now. Ever since her journey across the face of the Sun last June, we have been more aware of women's issues than ever before. My new book, Wisdom's Daughters: How Women Can Change the World, explores how to access Wisdom as well as how we can reclaim our connection to Aphrodite/Venus, the goddess energy of feminine Wisdom. Venus rules the heart chakra of love, connection and wisdom. Venus transiting the face of the Sun gave us a visual of the new solar paradigm: the energy of Love and Wisdom is central to Life. With these important planetary connections coming after the Capricorn New Moon, the cosmos is instructing us to make space for women and feminine consciousness in policy making.
During the last two weeks, the Sun and Mercury came together in the last degree of Capricorn, hopefully to discuss the real state of the world. Then they both moved into the sign of Aquarius last weekend, shifting our attention to how our common values and group consciousness can create the future. How can we unite with like-minded individuals, working together to create a new paradigm of life? This week both the Sun (our identity and purpose) and Mercury (the way we use our Mind) connect with Uranus (awakening) and Jupiter (expansion), pushing us to find a new way to think about ourselves, our society and our future.
Leo Full Moon, January 26-27, 2013
Leo Full Moon occurs on January 26th at 8:39pm PST/ 11:39pm EST/ and
on January 27th at 4:39am GMT.
Because of the Moon cycle we're in, the Capricorn New Moon energy finds its expression in the Leo/Aquarius Full Moon on January 26-27th. This cycle seems to imply that once we decide to get down to business (Capricorn New Moon), we become aware (Full Moon) of how our unique talents and creativity can contribute to our future welfare. Experts warn that unless we take climate change seriously and focus all our attention on healing the Earth's ecosystem, we face the collapse of our global civilization from an array of interconnected environmental problems . (
So, do we sit back in despair or do we pool our creativity and help create change? Every part of our society needs a renovation, so anyone with the skills, desire and talents can help rebuild our civilization on a more eco-friendly basis. Without a doubt, the central pillar of Western culture is "buying and selling'. We spend our days and nights worried about "business' while the world burns. Is the pursuit of money worth the destruction of our children's future? At this moment in our history, the guiding purpose of our civilization needs to be the health of our planet and the unity of all people. We can't keep hiding our heads in the sand. We have to step forward and do something.
The Leo/Aquarius Full Moon makes us aware of the archetypal truths of Leo and Aquarius--that each of us has a unique destiny, a role to play in the drama of life (Leo) and when we unite our talents and vision (Aquarius) we will be more powerful than if we go it alone. The lie of patriarchy is that we're in it for ourselves, that we have to use our talents for our own prosperity and power, rather than sharing them with the group. This Leo Full Moon can guide us to new Aquarian ideals of equality, purpose and collaboration. President Obama touched on these ideals in his inaugural address on Monday. Interesting that he's a Leo with an Aquarius ascendant!
The Sabian symbol for the Sun at 8* Aquarius is: Beautifully gowned wax figures on display. This image refers to archetypal figures or exemplars which can inspire us in our quest to create the future. Since the image contains both beauty and gowns, I'd like to vote for these images being feminine. If so, it's time for us to value the feminine vision of life, which is soulful and loving. In any case, this image implies "new collective developments". (Rudhyar: An Astrological Mandala)
The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 8* Leo is: A communist activist spreading his revolutionary ideals. Our Leo Moon picks up on the archetypal patterns expressed by the Aquarian Sun and advocates new ideas and purpose. When the old order refuses to die gracefully, it constellates radical ideas. What really happens is that when the old order (patriarchy) dies, there will be a breaking up of the old into a chaotic mix before the new vision can emerge. We need the chaos so that we don't just bring back the old in new clothes.
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