Source: Paul Craig Roberts
In 2004, Hungary joined the EU, expecting streets of gold. Instead, four years later in 2008 Hungary became indebted to the IMF. The rock video by the Hungarian group, Mouksa Underground sums up the result in Hungary today of falling into the hands of the EU and IMF.
The song is about the disappointing results of leaving socialism for capitalism, and in Hungary the results are certainly not encouraging. The title is "Disappointment with the System Change." Here are the lyrics:
"Over twenty some years now
We've been waiting for the good life
For the average citizen
Instead of wealth we have poverty
Unrestrained exploitation"So this is the big system change
So this is what you waited for"No housing No food No work
But that's what was assured wouldn't happen"Those on top
Prey upon us
The poor suffer everyday"So this is the big system change
So this is what you waited for"(Repeat)
"When will real change occur?
When will there be a livable world
The ultimate solution will arise
When this economic system is forever abandoned"So this is the big system change
So this is what you waited for"(Repeat)
"There is no solution but revolution"
Perhaps if the Kiev students had listened to the Hungarian rock group instead of to Washington's NGOs, they would understand what it means to be looted by the West, and Ukraine would not be in turmoil and headed toward destruction.
As Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland made clear in her speech last December and in the leaked recording of her telephone conversation with the US ambassador in Kiev, Washington spent $5 billion of US taxpayer dollars engineering a coup in Ukraine that overthrew the elected democratic government.
That it was a coup is also underlined by the obvious public lies that Obama has told about the situation, blaming, of course, the overthrown government, and by the total misrepresentation of Ukrainian developments by the US and European presstitute media. The only reason to misrepresent the events is to support the coup and to cover up Washington's hand.
There is no doubt whatsoever that the coup is a strategic move by Washington to weaken Russia. Washington tried to capture Ukraine in 2004 with the Washington-funded "Orange Revolution," but failed. Ukraine was part of Russia for 200 years prior to being granted independence in the 1990s. The eastern and southern provinces of Ukraine are Russian areas that were added to Ukraine in the 1950s by the Soviet leadership in order to water down the influence of the nazi elements in the western Ukraine that had fought for Adolf Hitler against the Soviet Union during World War 2.
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