The Washington
Times is a newspaper that looks with favor upon the
Bush/Cheney/Obama/neocon wars of aggression in the Middle East and favors making
terrorists pay for 9/11. Therefore, I was surprised to learn on February 24 that
the most popular story on the paper's website for the past three days was the
"Inside the Beltway" report, "Explosive News," about the 31 press conferences in
cities in the US and abroad on February 19 held by Architects and Engineers for
9/11 Truth, an organization of professionals which now has 1,000
I was even more surprised that
the news report treated the press conference seriously.How did three World Trade Center
skyscrapers suddenly disintegrate into fine dust? How did massive steel beams in
three skyscrapers suddenly fail as a result of short-lived, isolated, and low
temperature fires? "A thousand architects and engineers want to know, and are
calling on Congress to order a new investigation into the destruction of the
Twin Towers and Building 7," reports the Washington
image by
The paper reports that the
architects and engineers have concluded that the Federal Emergency Management
Agency and the National Institute of Standards and Technology provided
"insufficient, contradictory and fraudulent accounts of the circumstances of the
towers' destruction" and are "calling for a grand jury investigation of NIST
The newspaper reports that
Richard Gage, the spokesperson for the architects and engineers said:
"Government officials will be notified that "Misprision of Treason,' U.S. Code
18 (Sec. 2382) is a serious federal offense, which requires those with evidence
of treason to act. The implications are enormous and may have profound impact on
the forthcoming Khalid Sheik Mohammed trial."
There is now an
organization, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth. At the main press conference in San
Francisco, Eric Lawyer,the head of that organization, announced the
firefighters' support for the architects and engineers' demands. He reported
that no forensic investigation was made of the fires that are alleged to have
destroyed the three buildings and that this failure constitutes a
Mandated procedures were
not followed, and instead of being preserved and investigated, the crime scene
was destroyed. He also reported that there are more than one hundred first
responders who heard and experienced explosions and that there is radio, audio
and video evidence of explosions.
Also at the press
conference, physicist Steven Jones presented the evidence of nano-thermite in
the residue of the WTC buildings found by an international panel of scientists
led by University of Copenhagen nano-chemist Professor Niels Harrit.
Nano-thermite is a high-tech explosive/pyrotechnic capable of instantly melting
steel girders.
Before we yell "conspiracy
theory," we should be aware that the architects, engineers, firefighters, and
scientists offer no theory. They provide evidence that challenges the official
theory. This evidence is not going to go away.
If expressing doubts or
reservations about the official story in the 9/11 Commission Report makes a
person a conspiracy theory kook, then we have to include both co-chairmen of the
9/11 Commission and the Commission's legal counsel, all of whom have written
books in which they clearly state that they were lied to by government officials
when they conducted their investigation, or, rather, when they presided over the
investigation conducted by executive director Philip Zelikow, a member of
President George W. Bush's transition team and Foreign Intelligence Advisory
Board and a co-author of Bush Secretary of State Condi "Mushroom Cloud"
There will always be
Americans who will believe whatever the government tells them no matter how many
times they know the government has lied to them. Despite expensive wars that
threaten Social Security and Medicare, wars based on non-existent Iraqi weapons
of mass destruction, non-existent Saddam Hussein connections to al Qaida,
non-existent Afghan participation in the 9/11 attacks, and the non-existent
Iranian nukes that are being hyped as the reason for the next American war of
aggression in the Middle East, more than half of the U.S. population still
believes the fantastic story that the government has told them about 9/11, a
Muslim conspiracy that outwitted the entire Western world.
Moreover, it doesn't
matter to these Americans how often the government changes its story. For
example, Americans first heard of Osama bin Laden because the Bush regime pinned
the 9/11 attacks on him. Over the years video after video was served up to the
gullible American public of bin Laden's pronouncements. Experts dismissed the
videos as fakes, but Americans remained their gullible selves. Then suddenly
last year a new 9/11 "mastermind" emerged to take bin Laden's place, the captive
Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the detainee waterboarded 183 times until he confessed to
masterminding the 9/11 attack.
In the Middle Ages
confessions extracted by torture constituted evidence, but self-incrimination
has been a no-no in the U.S. legal system since our founding. But with the Bush
regime and the Republican federal judges, whom we were assured would defend the
U.S. Constitution, the self-incrimination of Sheik Mohammed stands today as the
only evidence the U.S. government has that Muslim terrorists pulled off
If a person considers the
feats attributed to Khalid Sheik Mohammed, they are simply unbelievable. Sheik
Mohammed is a more brilliant, capable superhero than V in the fantasy movie, "V
for Vendetta." Sheik Mohammed outwitted all 16 U.S. intelligence agencies along
with those of all U.S. allies or puppets, including Israel's Mossad. No
intelligence service on earth, or all of them combined, was a match for Sheik
Sheik Mohammed outwitted
the U.S. National Security Council, Dick Cheney, the Pentagon, the State
Department, NORAD, the U.S. Air Force, and Air Traffic
Control. He caused Airport Security
to fail four times in one morning. He caused the state-of-the-art air defenses
of the Pentagon to fail, allowing a hijacked airliner, which was off course all
morning while the U.S. Air Force, for the first time in history, was unable to
get aloft intercepter aircraft, to crash into the Pentagon.
Sheik Mohammed was able to
perform these feats with unqualified pilots.
Sheik Mohammed, even as a
waterboarded detainee, has managed to prevent the FBI from releasing the many
confiscated videos that would show, according to the official story, the
hijacked airliner hitting the Penagon.
How naive do you have to
be to believe that any human, or for that matter Hollywood fantasy character, is
this powerful and capable?
If Sheik Mohammed has
these superhuman capabilities, how did the incompetent Americans catch him? This
guy is a patsy tortured into confession in order to keep the American naifs
believing the government's conspiracy theory.
What is going on here is
that the U.S. government has to bring the 9/11 mystery to an end. The government
must put on trial and convict a culprit so that it can close the case before it
explodes. Anyone waterboarded 183 times would confess to
The U.S. government has
responded to the evidence being arrayed against its outlandish 9/11 conspiracy
theory by redefining the war on terror from external to internal enemies.
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said on February 21 that American
extremists are now as big a concern as international terrorists. Extremists, of
course, are people who get in the way of the government's agenda, such as the
1,000 Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. The group used to be 100, now it
is 1,000. What if it becomes 10,000?
Cass Sunstein, an Obama
regime official, has a solution for the 9/11 skeptics: Infiltrate them and
provoke them into statements and actions that can be used to discredit or to
arrest them. But get rid of them at all cost.
Why employ such extreme
measures against alleged kooks if they only provide entertainment and laughs? Is
the government worried that they are on to something?
Instead, why doesn't the
U.S. government simply confront the evidence that is presented and answer it?
If the architects,
engineers, firefighters, and scientists are merely kooks, it would be a simple
matter to acknowledge their evidence and refute it. Why is it necessary to
infiltrate them with police agents and to set them up?
Many Americans would reply
that "their" government would never even dream of killing Americans by hijacking
airliners and destroying buildings in order to advance a government agenda. But
on February 3, National Intelligence Director Dennis Blair told the House
Intelligence Committee that the U.S. government can assassinate its own citizens
when they are overseas. No arrest, trial, or conviction of a capital crime is
necessary. Just straight out murder.
Obviously, if the U.S.
government can murder its citizens abroad it can murder them at home, and has
done so. For example, 100 Branch Davidians were murdered in Waco, Texas, by the
Clinton administration for no legitimate reason. The government just decided to
use its power knowing that it could get away with it, which it
Americans who think
"their" government is some kind of morally pure operation would do well to
familiarize themselves with Operation Northwoods. Operation Northwoods was a
plot drawn up by the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff for the CIA to commit acts of
terrorism in American cities and fabricate evidence blaming Castro so that the
U.S. could gain domestic and international support for regime change in Cuba.
The secret plan was nixed by President John F. Kennedy and was declassified by
the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Review Board. It is available online
in the National Security Archive. There are numerous online accounts available,
including Wikipedia. James Bamford's book, Body of Secrets, also summarizes the
"Operation Northwoods, which had the written
approval of the Chairman [Gen. Lemnitzer] and every member of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff, called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats
carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of
violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere.
People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be
hijacked. Using phony evidence, all of it would be blamed on Castro, thus giving
Lemnitzer and his cabal the excuse, as well as the public and international
backing, they needed to launch their
Prior to 9/11 the American
neoconservatives were explicit that the wars of aggression that they intended to
launch in the Middle East required "a new Pearl Harbor."
For their own good
and that of the wider world, Americans need to pay attention to the growing body
of experts who are telling them that the government's account of 9/11 fails
their investigation. 9/11 launched the neoconservative plan for U.S. world
As I write, the U.S. government is purchasing the agreement of foreign
governments that border Russia to accept U.S. missile interceptor bases. The
U.S. intends to ring Russia with U.S. missile
bases from Poland through central Europe and Kosovo to Georgia, Azerbaijan and
central Asia. U.S. envoy Richard
Holbrooke declared on February 20 that al Qaida is moving into former central
Asian constituent parts of the Soviet Union, such as Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan,
Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Kazakhstan. Holbrooke is soliciting U.S. bases in
these former Soviet republics under the guise of the ever-expanding "war on
The U.S. has already encircled Iran
with military bases. The U.S. government intends to neutralize China by seizing
control over the Middle East and cutting China off from
This plan assumes that Russia and
China, nuclear armed states, will be intimidated by U.S. anti-missile defenses
and acquiesce to U.S. hegemony and that China will lack oil for its industries
and military.
The U.S. government is delusional.
Russian military and political leaders have responded to the obvious threat by
declaring NATO a direct threat to the security of Russia and by announcing a
change in Russian war doctrine to the pre-emptive launch of nuclear weapons. The
Chinese are too confident to be bullied by a washed-up American
The morons in Washington are pushing
the envelope of nuclear war. The insane drive for American hegemony threatens
life on earth. The American people, by accepting the lies and deceptions of
"their" government, are facilitating this outcome.