The Federation of Light has made a statement that there will be a hugh spaceship appear in our skys on Oct. 14 08. It will stay in our sky's for 3 days. Our governments around the world will try and attack them. The Federation of Light will do nothing for they will come in peace. Their purpose here will to show people that other life forms do exist in the universe and to bring forth a discloser on the subject by us. So we can begin a new beginning for mankind and join together so we can advance to a new level of exsistance. Beyond our imagination.
I don't know about you, but I have marked this date on my calander. I want to see this happen. It will end this life long dispute for all and change everything about the world as we know it. If it don't happen then it will end the subject about UFO's and ET's once and for all. This statment comes from the ET's themselves, who are the Federation of Light. You can go to youtube and do a search on the Federation of Light and find out all the information about this statement.