There is zero chance that she will not be approved. There are zero reasons for her not to be approved.
The Republican Majority is using it to build cred with its dwinding racist base, in the process showing off how sexist, ignorant, hypocritical and intolerant they can be.
But what really makes the hearings a sham is the mainstream media's broadcasting this showing of Right wing abuses of a Latina woman.
For an example of hypocrisy, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse nailed the conservatives putting on a show grilling Sotomayor.
For all the talk of "modesty" and "restraint," the right wing Justices of the Court have a striking record of ignoring precedent, overturning congressional statutes, limiting constitutional protections, and discovering new constitutional rights: the infamous Ledbetter decision, for instance; the Louisville and Seattle integration cases, for example; the first limitation on Roe v. Wade that outright disregards the woman's health and safety; and the DC Heller decision, discovering a constitutional right to own guns that the Court had not previously noticed in 220 years. Over and over, news reporting discusses "fundamental changes in the law" wrought by the Roberts Court's right wing flank. The Roberts Court has not lived up to the promises of modesty or humility made when President Bush nominated Justices Roberts and Alito.
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C told Sotomayor, "Unless you have a complete meltdown, you're going to get confirmed."
I can't imagine him saying that to a man.Â
I've long felt that a key battle conservatives have been fighting is against the feminine archetype. This manifests itself in many ways, including sexist, even misogynist language.
Let's hope that as the media enables this right wing attack-fest, where senators are getting incredible opportunities to show off their anti-abortion, pro-gun positions, that the media will also show, in the instant replays, just what neanderthals these white males are.