They are going to Kill Bruce For NO GOOD REASON
Bruce's - a Staffordshire Bull Terrier - awful story is here:
The petition is here:
What has happened to this, and many many other blameless dogs is an obscenity.
This is the face of Breed Specific Legislation at its most abysmal. This is happening all around our planet, every day.
It is completely unacceptable and way past time the authors of this cruel legislation and those prepared to enforce it were held to account.
This story of the fate of this innocent family pet is appalling, outrageous, sick, and the blame for this atrocity lies firmly with the British & Northern Ireland MPs and related authorities.
Britain - A nation of animal lovers? We don't think so. At least not among its legislators and enforcers. Northern Ireland's 'top dogs' are a group of callous, unintelligent, bigots.
The mainstream media have given this incredibly awful and sad situation the hands-off treatment. The closest Bruce has received to help from the media was an article in his local rag. Bless them.