- The Predatory Economics of Debt-Money Disaster and Depression -
"Ah yes. The trickle down theory. That is when all the wealth is at the top, and some of it trickles down to the bottom, which is why the people at the bottom are called peons."
Swami Beyondananda
The trickle down idea is one of the great scams of economic policy throughout history. During any disaster, manufactured panic or structured depression you are told to just let "your" politicians give all the remaining money, power, and policy authority to the already super wealthy and powerful. You are told not to worry and to just obey your monetary masters and stand in line for a job or some meager benefits - usually just enough to keep you from rioting and killing the rich - assuming, of course, you have any time and energy left after your stress-inducing and health-destroying work schedule. In any case, you must keep on competing until you die.
It is a very old game run by Kings, Monarchs, Oligarchs and politicians on the take from the ruling elites sitting atop their immense gains from past imperialistic exploits. The essence of the theory is that the rich and powerful bankers and industrialists can do no wrong and that any problems in the economy caused by those same forces must then be ameliorated by yet more power, money and tax benefits to same... to be paid for, of course, with their debt-money which we must borrow from these same forces and which includes interest paid with your tax money - all in order to create the very money going to the trickle-down gang at the top of the perch. Wow, that is so very economic for the few! Further, if you don't pay, there is then a lien on your body, your work, and all the national assets secretly pledged by the corporate state.
Well, it is quite obvious that this eternal screwing and neo-slavery for the many is caused by the rule of money in society... which then guarantees trickle-up policy devastation and debt-money debacles. The incredible pile of money and credit power in the hands of the few enables the employment of all kinds of one-handed academics and media sycophants to trumpet their "free market" solutions within the very media they own. What a deal, the very few own and control society and, in case you forgot, the Supreme Court said so when one man decided to vote with four others!
Clearly, the money is very good in the economic whoring profession today, despite the fact nothing of any value is created except the maintenance of power by the few. In these high-paying worthless professions you must never ever broach a topic like a public central bank, a National Initiative process, or any truly democratic trade process or IMF regime. No, that would cause you to lose your privileged status as a spineless piece of sh*t. After all, you've built a career on suppressing subversive thoughts, mouthing your master's nostrums, and you know what happened to Howard Beale!. You certainly could not emulate him.
So to all us austerity-ized, debt-money busted, peons it is obvious we have been pee-ed on and that the only remedy is to reverse the flow... big time!