So that leaves us to ponder ways to 'fix the problem'. One thing that is rarely mentioned is the fact that we are expecting politicians (aka LAWYERS) to fix the problem. So LAWYERS are the problem and we are expecting them to fix that same problem that makes lawyers billions if not trillions of dollars). So we are basically letting the fox watch the henhouse and that is also completely insane because they are not going to kill the goose that laid their golden lawsuit egg.
With these things in mind I would propose a very simple plan designed to removed the lawyers and the insurance companies from the HEALTH CARE equation:
1-have the GOVERNMENT provide FREE health coverage (including dental) for every U.S. citizen....Sure most doctors loathe the idea (as do the insurance companies and the lawyers) but when compared with the current broken system vs. what the dummicraps are currently proposing I believe most physicians would prefer this approach and here is why...
3-This would effectively put the health insurance industry out of business but who really cares since they make more than enough $ ripping off people over wind/water hurricane policies!
4-end the idiotic 'war on drugs' and instead legalize marijuana and use the saved money + resulting 'pot tax' to help pay for #1
5-Doctors would have to agree to take a PAY CUT (say 35%?) to help keep costs down so say if the average yearly salary for OB-Gyn's is $400,000/year then under the governments program they would instead make $260,000, if the average salary for Family Practice doctors is $$200,000/yr they would then make $130,000/yr PAID BY THE US GOVT
6-Most doctors are in a 38% tax bracket, so we could take 100% of physician's tax money and use that to help pay for the universal care for all citizens
7-Most lawyers are also in a 38% tax bracket so also use 100% of the taxes paid by lawyers to help pay for it.
8-if the sum of #2,4,5,6,7 isn't sufficient to cover the costs of the program then do whatever it takes to cover the difference (increase taxes on the rich,etc???_)
9-those citizens who want to opt for private insurance/private health care would still be allowed to do so but they would be the rare exception rather than the rule
Of course, these ideas make good sense and we all know Congress has no sense so it's all probably a moot point.