This essay was written in response to the great Chris Hedge's, "Wages of Rebellion" and his recent OpEdNews article, "The Courts, Like the Legislative and Executive Branches of Government, Are Now Exclusive Servants of Corporate Power". That's what the full fledged fascism we voted for (not all of us) is all about. The power transferred to the few has created a trap without exit. We have created a monster by giving all power and wealth to the elite who stole it via a corrupt Congress and corrupt Presidents who nominated corrupt judges in Federal courts.
So far there has been but a small few of us who seem to be able to see what is so obvious using only an open and concerned mind.
We have finally reached a point where there is no semblance of any kind of democracy. While we never had a true democracy, which would have been completely unwieldy, we don't even have any sign of a Republic, a representative democracy; all we have is a sham carefully designed to pacify the mostly asleep American citizens, also called blind dumb malleable sheep.
We, through several pathways, have ceded all power to the oligarchs (aka. plutocrats, fascists, corporatists or dictators). This is documented by the Princeton study. This has been primarily from being too lazy to become educated about our government beyond short negative TV ads. This is why money in elections has been so productive. Except for a small minority, even now, I see no sign of any educated interest in our government and that is fatal for any self government.
"Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education." Franklin D. Roosevelt
In these blogs I read many good sounding ideas of what "we" should do. Actually "we" can do nothing when Congress, the President and Court are not working for the citizens who pay their salaries but for the plutocrats who promise much more to them.
Money has put us in a place where an honorable person cannot be elected nor would want to associate with the political vermin occupying Washington. We are now in a position where the people, even if many were intellectually able, can only choose corrupt officials, leaving office only to criminals interested in personal wealth. Even these greedy, vile, politicians who think they are the right hand of the plutocrats will be thrown away when used up; the price they will pay for their greed and stupidity.
All the "shoulds", when analyzed, require a Congress, President and Court interested in the people's welfare. There is no way the people, even, collectively, can change this, and getting the required organization of the people will be impossible before totalitarianism with the associated complete police state sets in..
Sinclair Lewis'."It Can't Happen Here", was a novel but it is now our present. Our near future is likely to be much like other works of literature, history and film including, "1984", "Mad Max", The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.
We can all talk of ways out of this trap but realistically there are none. With the many ideas I have heard over the last fifteen years, I have not read of one that has a snowball's chance in Hell. I have thought long and hard but had to toss all all ideas as unworkable. I do believe discussion is good as long as we can discuss dissent but the end of this freedom will necessarily come as well as enhanced police brutality and military force on citizens required to suppress citizen unrest that at some point will come.There will be even more imprisonment of dissenters and other undesirables. While I have no proof, the sudden increase in police brutality with almost no accountability suggest some form of an organized plan to inure citizens to the, "Ihre Papiere bitte" (your papers please) of repressive society'. Just open you eyes, it is here already. Get on an airplane, get stopped by police if you are black, try to make a private phone call, try your case in the supreme court if your case is against the elite or a corporation.
For fifteen years I have been trying to think of a realistic way out of this trap; so far nothing even close to workable. Readers, if you have an idea that is workable not requiring an honest Congress, Court or President let us all know, the world is waiting. Laws from Congress will not work nor will Presidential executive orders. Constitutional amendments require Congress, state politicians and an educated population. Armed rebellion will be instant suicide from the weapons of tyranny purchased by your tax dollars. So why am I so pessimistic?