Lets face it. Landing the perfect job in today's economic upheaval is going to prove a challenge for many of you. Has nothing to do with you, or your abilities, and everything to do with the job market and the uncertainty of the times. In fact, there may no longer be perfect jobs.
This means, you need to shift your perception a bit, and look at what exactly would be the perfect job or career for you during these times. It's a different question altogether. In other words, during upheavals, reassessing who you are, what you are here to do, what you need now, alters your priorities.
Changing your perspective gives you the ability to look outside the box, unleash your creativity, and open the door to a totally different outcome. Taking that a step further, getting back to basics calls for knowing your strengths and weaknesses, and finding new ways to use your talents and skills.
You can also assume that for every job listed on Monster.com there will be hundreds of responses, and yours is going to have to shine, radiate, give off a feeling or vibration that says Pick me. How are you going to do that unless you develop your intuition, and understand who is your market and what they want.
Everything is undergoing a complete transformation now, including the corporate world. Instead of trying to fit yourself into their package, start to think about what you really want, and how you can use these current times to retool or regroup yourself.
Start with your vision, your mission and purpose. What are you really here to do, what are your best gifts, assets, what makes your heart sing. You will have far more success, if you focus on who you are, and what you are here to do. Build up your confidence in you and your abilities, and the direction you want to take in your life.
You know that idea that has been simmering in your mind for years but you never had the confidence. Pay attention to those voices and thoughts. They might be your intuitive mind planting the most perfect solutions for you right now.
My girlfriend told me the story of the man who developed a very special pen for carpal tunnel sufferers. He said that the idea came to him in his childhood, and plagued him for years and years, until he had the courage to launch the dream.
Who knows. You might find out that starting your own small business doing what your visions and ideas suggest, might prove far more profitable than fitting yourself into a corporate world.
Once you get clarity on your mission and purpose, then I suggest you ask your intuition to show you the way. Little things can make an immense difference. Just knowing who to call at the most perfect time would be an asset. You might even consult with a business intuitive like myself, who can help you think outside the box to target the right market, and the right job and help you overcome obstacles in your way.
I like to use a pendulum, to dowse for the specific job opportunities I might follow through with. With the help of this tool, I can break it down to who to call, when, and even find the most approrpiate angle or pitch to use with them. Pretty helpful to use your sixth sense, your intuition to find the right career choices.
Joan Hangarter, DC, MS, is an Intuitive Consultant and helps businesses, professionals and individuals to have more clarity, deeper understanding and intuitive insight into their lives. She is the author of The Miracle Makers Club-Live The Prosperous and Soul Filled Life that You Deserve Today.
For more information contact her at www.makeyourownmiracle.com or 415-883-0810