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Venezuela: "We live under a financial dictatorship, under an ongoing business coup"

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Stansfield Smith
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A mural in Caracas depicts the hand of the Venezuelan government choking Uncle Sam. The rat has .traitor. in Spanish on it.

"We live under a financial dictatorship, under an ongoing business coup - they do not produce enough because they do not want to, because they wish to see us Chavistas defeated"


Translated by Stansfield Smith, Chicago ALBA Solidarity, stansfieldsmith100@gmail.com

In Venezuela You Find More in Lines to Buy Cheaper Goods Than Are In Protests

http://ctxt.es/es/20160601/Politica/6388/Venezuela-Hermanas-del-Sagrado-Corazà ³n-escasez-de-alimentos.htm

In recent days, Latin American partners and colleagues have called us to learn about our situation, concerned about the information that reaches them about the lack of food in the country.

The news should be very alarming. For that reason we give a general story of our situation, based on our collective work, militancy, reflections and loves.

We confirm the lack of some items that are part of our daily diet. Rice is scarce, it is complicated to get a liter of oil, pasta appears more regularly. There is a lack cornmeal in stores, but this has not decreased the selling of arepas and empanadas in the streets. There is a lack of flour and therefore bread in stores, but no bakery in our neighborhood has closed or has stopped selling fresh bread, cakes and cookies - at very high prices. The missing bread is salted bread that is regulated at 50 bolivars and when it is found it costs 150, 200 or 350 bolivars. And at regulated prices there is no flour.

However, there is no shortage of vegetables in all their variety, or fish at a price ten times higher than what you could buy a year ago, nor is there any lack of protein-rich food in their forms of poultry and meat. It is the same with fresh cheese, ham and varieties of sausages that have never been lacking, though at very high prices. And price regulation? A government failure or inability to punish because those who made the law, made this trap.


People cannot find essential medicines for treating blood pressure, circulation problems or cancer. You have to ask many people, to negotiate with sellers to obtain essential medicines. Items for house cleaning and personal grooming have increased in price a thousand percent compared to last year.

Powdered milk has disappeared and liquid milk costs 500 bolivars, compared to 25 bolivars a year ago. At the official price, the dollar cost 10 bolivars a year ago, today 420. And on the parallel market the price of a dollar is 1000 bolivars.

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anti-war and solidarity activist, of Chicago ALBA Solidarity. See ChicagoALBASolidarity.wordpress.com

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