With daylight savings starting on Sunday, we’ll all have more sunlight in our lives. But don’t forget to go out and look at the night sky. Venus, which has been brightly shining in the evening sky for months now (remember when Venus and Jupiter lit up the night?), will begin to move closer to the horizon, and then will disappear completely on March 25th as she joins the Sun. Next time we see her, on April 1st, she’ll be The Morning Star.
On March 6th, Venus turns retrograde at 16 Aries: Brightly clad brownies dancing in the warm dying light. Spring might not be here according to the calendar, but we’re beginning to see the signs of returning life. Out here in Las Vegas, white almond tree blossoms are fragrant and full of buzzing bees, while baby foals are frolicking in the pastures with their mamas. Brownies are nature spirits and they dance for pure joy, in bright colors, to evoke the spring flowers and light of the re-awakening Earth. They dance at sunset because it is during those in-between times that magic happens. Why not go look for them at sunset?
Interestingly, America’s progressed Venus is at 16 Aries! The cosmic story is very coherent, don’t you think? This is all happening when for the first time since America became a country, our progressed Mars just turned retrograde. Mars symbolizes our energy and war-like qualities. Now retrograde, perhaps we’ll turn within and work on ourselves for a change.
For the next six weeks, until April 17th, Venus will travel back to kiss the Sun and return to 30 Pisces: A majestic rock formation resembling a face is idealized by a girl who takes it as her ideal of greatness; as she grows up, she begins to look like it. Venus is going into the Underworld to reclaim the vision of who we might become. What were you doing on St. Brigit’s Day, February 2nd? That’s when Venus was last at 30 Pisces. What were you looking at then?
With all the financial trouble in the news, Venus retrograde (Venus rules money and pleasure) will just bring on more of the same. Of course we all know that these reckless financial institutions are so bankrupt that only a major housecleaning will work. Venus retrograde will hopefully encourage President Obama not to throw ‘good’ money after ‘bad’ any longer. Since this full Moon is conjunct his natal Mars, perhaps he’ll be ready to put a stop to the old ways of handling this crisis and start using his common sense. Just where is all that money going anyway?
When Venus is retrograde, our connection energy goes within and we connect with our Self. It is the time to ask ourselves what is really valuable and important in life. We have to figure out who are our allies, who is our lover, who are our friends. We have to look at our finances and decide what is really necessary for a beautiful and enriching lifestyle. Perhaps real conversations will come back into style! We are pushed to reclaim our creative initiative and stop looking to others for answers. Venus retrograde will also burn away whatever is no longer relevant. Don’t fight it. Venus/Aphrodite knows what you really love and need. The rest is ego.
While times are economically stressful, LIFE itself is still with us. Spend time outside, looking at the stars, feeling the wind in your hair, the sun on your face, the moonlight on the waters. All of nature is still available to us, and if we look to the most important things in life, we might not worry so much about what we can’t have. And instead of paying for 300 channels that have nothing interesting to offer you, why not write a poem, sing a song, kiss your lover. There are so many fascinating and delightful things available to us in life. Now is the time to find them!
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