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Voters Being Purged on a Massive Scale. CBS Takes Notice. You Should Too.

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Mary Mancini
Message Mary Mancini
Check your voter registration. We knew they were going to be one step ahead - figuring out a way to suppress the vote this November in a way that was massive in scale. And this week we got confirmation from the Brennan Center for Justice on one way it's being done - voter purging.
This report provides one of the first systematic examinations of the chaotic and largely unseen world of voter purges. In a detailed study focusing on twelve states, we identified three [Four? -Ed.] problematic practices with voter purges across the country: Purges rely on error-ridden lists. Voters are purged secretly and without notice. Bad "matching" criteria leaves voters vulnerable to manipulated purges. Insufficient oversight leaves voters vulnerable to manipulated purges.

Have you checked it yet? You can download and read the entire report on The Brennan Center's website and please tell everyone to go to VotersUnite.org to find out how to check their registration in their state. It's so bad that even CBS - yeah, THAT CBS noticed.

What are you waiting for, a special invitation? Go! Now! Check!

More articles compiled by Daily Voting News:

Secret World of Voter Purges Report raises concerns of 'partisan manipulation' in voter purges Election officials are confused about who can vote Foreclosures Lead to Allegations of Planned Voter Suppression
Did you do it? Oh, ok, good. Now go tell/email everyone you know and tell them to Check it too!
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Co-producer, media specialist, talk radio host. Network Most Watched for News: Comedy Central
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