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Luis Fig.
Message Luis Fig.
To Whom It May Concern, I have been in the Air Force for 6 years been down range. I been to Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, and flew to Iraq for missions for the Air Force as a Security Force member have done my job with honor. I loved it!  I have good Performance reports as a Senior Airman.

 I been to Airman Leadership School I was a supervisor always took care of my troops and they took care of me.
 I been accused of rape then they dropped the charge to sexual assault (aggravated) stating that she was too drunk to give consent( substaintully incapacitated)  she claimed this allegation two days later.

The female accusing me is married and she is also accusing another man of Rape same night different time and different location Does she think it’s a game just to cry rape and blame any body she wants!
 The Air Force involuntary extended me past my ETS.

I was supposed to separate in May 7 2008. My commander tried to put me on administrative hold and gave me a no contact order with this female on March 24 2008. When I called separations they told me he cannot do that only the JAG could do that.
So I went to the Area Defense Council and they made a call to legal and legal (Prosecutors) said they have until his ETS date to charge him and the ADC told me keep out processing so I did.

I started thinking okay I know I didn’t do nothing wrong. So I will keep out processing.
My wife and kids went to the States in April 9 2008 thinking I will be home in May 7 2008. My commander cancelled my terminal leave. Later gave it back to me but under one condition that I have to contact my 1st Sgt every day so they could know I'm still in the country.

OSI wanted to take my passport that is what the Commander told me he said I’m not taking your passport that I trust you will not go any  where so he didn’t take my passport.
But when 7 days prior of getting my plane tickets and finish the separation the SSgt at separations is getting my tickets ready I saw letters in my folder like email print outs.

I could have left the country and what because of the error that the Sgt was doing I’m not like that. I ask him about the email print outs he didn’t even pay attention to detail on what was in the folder.
 So I asked him what's all that because I know that was not in my folder before so when he started reading he tells me you been placed on Admin Hold. I said why! Well he said I could just tell you it says pending preferred of charges for court martial.

So I went to the ADC and told the paralegal what just happen she said yeah they could do that. I said to her you told me they had till my ETS. Okay now I'm really upset!
 I had a job in the desert with a good company and family just left to a State that their not even familiar with no car just an empty apartment until our furniture arrives if someone would had told me about me being extended my family would have never left.

All my stuff was sent back to the States and I gave in my FMO furniture.
Furniture that the Air Force lends to families prior to PCS or Separate.
When I spoke to the 1st Sgt she said you could get your FMO back.
 I said I don’t want it back I want to go home so I slept on a matress til October 13 2008 I was Comand directed to move to the dorms.
 I came back from my Terminal leave and had to go back to work. But was strange was that the female that accused me got her weapon back after 2 weeks of the allegation and went back to work at the base armory.
Where she has access to all the weapons and ammo of the base WOW!!  If this female is alleging this. Wouldn’t she be in allot of stress and depression but no they give her a weapon and send her to re- fire her weapon while me What!!  Oh I forgot she is the victim.

So time goes by and me I had to rent a vehicle 300 euro a month and go to work. Everybody asking me hey I thought you went home already (ETS). I didn’t even know where to put my face I just said I thought so too.
Then came May 15, 2008 and when I look at my account I didn’t get paid so the 1st Sgt said something must had happen but she will take care of it.
June 1st and no check either. I called MPF Randolph and they said I was out there system (separated).

So here I am working for free and my family is in the states living off our saving's and worried about this situation. When I went to finance to ask what’s up with my pay she got my folder and when she opens it I see a letter in there I asked her can I see my folder she said okay.
 I saw the letter that has me on Admin hold it said I'm being suspected of RAPE and Adultery under Article 120 and 134.

I start thinking why is this letter stating this and Slandering my name and people is looking at this at every personnel office what are they going to think.
 So I went to ADC (Area Defense Council) and the lawyer told me they could put that and the paralegal said about finance we don't deal with that.
That I could write a Congressional Complaint! Okay I did that and told my Congressman (really a case worker) what is going on.
What if I didn’t have cash in the bank I been working 2 jobs for the past 4 years stationed here when I'm not deployed if I wouldn’t have the little cash that I have! What would have happen to my family? 

They would have ended up in the street or in a shelter that would have caused a big impact on us more than what’s going on right now the little money I had for my family is now gone I had no choice but to use it.
 I guess that letter went to a Congressional inquiry the case worker stated. I’m curious does the Congressman read all this or other people handle this and he doesn’t.

The case worker told me they are doing their own investigation okay if they are doing one then they would see what’s going on but that's not the case because all they did was forward everything to Washinton to a Air Force Liason.
This is not right and they would see the mistakes that the Air Force had made with everything. My wrong Social Security # and my Pay etc.
 I also gave authorization to Congressman Luis Fortuno to see what's going on but instead of investigating they ask the people that has been messing up since the first place so what the legal office does cover themselves

I spoke to the caseworker and he told me to write another letter stating that I want an update.
Why do I have to keep writing letters why he just don’t call and say hey what'sgoing on with this troop and all these mistakes  Why do  I have to keep writing letters.
 Also I told him I received my DD 214 and the  VA received my DD -214 June 24 2008  I also told him I’m tired of this and this is not fair.
I told him this has not been fair to me or my family since the beginning
He said first let’s see what happens.

 Regarding my pay when I spoke to finance they told me I was on T status (terminated).
Also I receive a pay of disability of 1,260 dollars because I got a tumor in my brain (Hamartoma) and other medical issues. 
I have to take medication regarding the headaches regarding my brain tumor. The medications I take are Topamax and Fiorcet, for my head. Also I'm taking Buspirone for anxiety attacks and Trazodone to sleep because it’s been hard for me over here every day thinking what’s going to happen!
I have to do an MRI every 6 months to monitor my brain tumor.  I'm going through allot I need help!

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I'm a man that is very fustrated with the way things are going and I feel some one needs to take a stand about in justice that's going on from false rape to false in prisonment also I want people to know that I belive in equal rights for all of us (more...)
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