Cross-posted from Paul Craig Roberts
Herbert E. Meyer, a nutcase who was a special assistant to the CIA director for a period during the Reagan administration, has penned an article calling for Russian President Putin's assassination. If we have "to get him out of the Kremlin feet-first with a bullet hole in the back of his head, that would be okay with us."
As the crazed Meyer illiustrates, the insanity that Washington has released upon the world knows no restraint. Jose Manual Barroso, installed as Washington's puppet European Commission President, misrepresented his recent confidential telephone conversation with Russia's President Putin by telling the media that Putin issued a threat: "If I want to, I can take Kiev in two weeks."
Clearly, Putin did not issue a threat. A threat would be inconsistent with Putin's entire unprovocative approach to the strategic threat that Washington and its NATO puppets have brought to Russia in Ukraine. Russia's permanent representative to the EU, Vladimir Chizhov, said that if Barroso's lie stands, Russia will make public the full recording of the conversation
Anyone familiar with the disparity between the Ukrainian and Russian militaries knows full well that it would take the Russian military 14 hours, not 14 days, to take all of Ukraine. Just remember what happened to the American and Israeli trained and equipped Georgian Army when Washington set its stupid Georgian puppets on South Ossetia. The American and Israeli trained and equipped Georgian army collapsed under Russian counter-attack in five hours.
The lie that Washington's puppet Barroso told was not worthy of a serious person. But where in Europe is there a serious person in power? Nowhere. The few serious people are all out of power. Consider the NATO Secretary General, Anders Rasmussen. He was a prime minister of Denmark who saw he could rise beyond Denmark by serving as Washington's puppet. As prime minister he strongly supported Washington's illegal invasion of Iraq, declaring that "we know that Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction." Of course, the fool didn't know any such thing, and why would it matter if Iraq did have such weapons. Many countries have weapons of mass destruction.
According to the rule that anyone who serves Washington is elevated, the cipher Rasmussen was elevated.
The problem with elevating unprincipled fools is that they risk the world for their careers. Rasmussen has now put the entirety of Eastern and Western Europe at risk of annihilation. Rasmussen has announced the creation of a blitzkrieg spearhead force capable of blitzkrieg attack on Russia. What Washington's puppet calls "the Readiness Action Plan" is justified as a response to "Russia's aggressive behavior in Ukraine."
Rasmussen's "lightening spearhead force" would be instantly wiped out along with every European capital. What kind of idiot provokes a nuclear superpower in this way?
Rasmussen asserts "Russia's aggressive behavior" but has no evidence of it. Russia has stood on the sidelines while Washington's puppet government in Kiev has shelled and bombed civilian housing, hospitals, schools and issued a constant stream of lies against Russia. Russia denied the requests of the now independent eastern and southern provinces of Ukraine, former Russian territories, to be reunited with Russia.
As readers know, I regard Putin's decision as a mistake, but events might prove me wrong and that is OK with me. For now, the fact is that every act of aggressive behavior is the result of the US and EU support of the Kiev nazis. It is the Ukrainian nazi militias that are attacking civilians in the former Russian territories of eastern and southern Ukraine. A number of regular Ukrainian military units have defected to the independent republics.
Yes, nazis. Western Ukraine is the home of the Ukrainian SS division that fought for Hitler. Today the militias organized by the Right Sector and other right-wing political organizations wear the nazi insignia of the Ukrainian SS divisions. These are the people that Washington and the EU support. If the Ukrainian nazis could win against Russia, which they cannot, they would turn on the stupid West, just as has the Washington-funded ISIS that the dumbshits in Washington unleashed on Libya and Syria. Now ISIS is remaking the Middle East, and Washington appears helpless.
William Binney, a former high-level official in the US National Security Agency, along with colleagues from the CIA and military intelligence services, have written to German chancellor Merkel advising her to beware Obama's lies at the upcoming NATO summit in Wales. The US intelligence officials advise Merkel to remember Iraq's "weapons of mass destruction" and don't again be deceived, this time into conflict with Russia.
The question is: who does Merkel represent? Washington or Germany? So far Merkel has represented Washington, not German business interests, not the German people, and not Germany's interests as a country. Here is a protest in Dresden where a crowd prevents Merkel's speech with shouts of "kriegstreiber" (warmonger), "liar, liar," and "no war with Russia."
My Ph.D. dissertation chairman, who became a high Pentagon official assigned to wind down the Vietnam war, in answer to my question about how Washington gets Europeans to always do what Washington wants replied: "Money, we give them money." "Foreign aid?" I asked. "No, we give the European political leaders bagfuls of money. They are for sale, We bought them. They report to us." Perhaps this explains Tony Blair's $50 million fortune one year out of office.
The Western media, the largest whorehouse on earth, is desperate for war. The editorial board of the Washington Post, now a trophy newspaper in the hands of's billionaire owner, ran an editorial on August 31 that projected all of Washington's (and the Post's) lies upon Putin.
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