The Land of the Clueless.
Look at us. All of us. We are doing the Hegelian Dialectic Dance that The Powers That Be set up for us. They have it all choreographed; it's going to be a winner-by-the-nose only because he media know how to articulate a horse race so that it sounds --Wowee!-- as if something is going on.
But that's not all that's going on. When the Senate Intell Committee was asked by one of the Senators, "what is this 'Continuity of Government' Plan about?' the Honorable Senator from Hawaii intervened and halted even the question, in the name of national security. So, What's going on anyway?
All the big mucky-muck military leaders met last weekend in the Adirondaks over some vital issue. Do we know what that was? No. All we know from internet surfing is that Kennedy was and Moyers is terrified of Secrecy
that surrounds "national security." All we know is, FEMA is making huge preparations for some big trouble, with railcars having shackles and hundreds of thousands of plastic coffins.
This election is a distraction from reality. And it breaks my heart to see how many intelligent educated adults are getting sucked in. You know and I know, it's staged and rigged and it doesn't matter who wins. Globalism rules.
So, we better connect some very divergent dots, to get to the plot of our predicament-story.
Christopher Story of the UK tells the financial part: [abridged, to delete ads and extraneous stuff]:
NASA avoids telling THEIR parts of our cosmic story. Old Sol is in great travail. as well as the fact, NASA's Rovers are photographing Nibiru, almost exclusively : and
Further, NASA has been found to be lying about the Moon and Mars, by the use of distorted, defaced and altered photos misrepresenting those locations. , top of front page.
Here's how it goes together in a nutshell.
The financial debacle on the global table is for financing Star Wars under secret covert operations and against unknown enemies. NASA/NSA (its boss) cannot discriminate between decent ETs and predatory/parasitic ETs. They don't have the moral courage to make any judgments, so they just shoot at whoever they can.
WHY does NSA NOT KNOW WHO the Adversaries are and who the ALLIES are? Ideology. Dogma. Process. Procedure. Policy. NOT-SEE-ism, straight out of Illuminist traditions. Orion Group methods infiltrate Globalist-US-UK Governance, AKA "Zionism," "Neo-Conservatism," "Globalism." Illuminati doctrine is Orion Group (ET-Reptilian) doctrine, ever since the Annunaki squatted here, 30,000 years ago.
The money taken for Star Wars is not returnable to the people due to the fact it no longer exists; it was used up for underground bases, space-based weapons and bio-weapons (designed to limit EARTH's population -- not ET intruders themselves, who are genetically immune).
My conclusion, shared by Dr. William Deagle, Alex Jones and other alternative newscasters is that our current US leaders OF BOTH POLITICAL PARTIES work for the Orion Group -- whose objectives are to destroy THIRD DENSITY physical humans, as Alice Bailey so precisely articulated, in her "Externalization of the Hierarchy" doctrines. Genocide, generally. Empty and spoil the planet.
An articulated version of the Orion Group prospectus can be found here:
Bill Deagle pulls it all together, just as Al Collier and Bill Cooper did, but few people listen.
It's time we linked all the dots. Otherwise, we are not going to survive this.
We live in cosmic times; being passive spiritualists who lead and exemplify passivism, REFUSING TO CONFRONT THE REALITY that Evil REIGNS AND RULES, we may present false reassurances, with a result that we the people are led over a cliff of complacency and self-interest.
Get what I'm saying?
Yours sincerely,
M. Emily Cragg, webmaster
Look at us. All of us. We are doing the Hegelian Dialectic Dance that The Powers That Be set up for us. They have it all choreographed; it's going to be a winner-by-the-nose only because he media know how to articulate a horse race so that it sounds --Wowee!-- as if something is going on.
But that's not all that's going on. When the Senate Intell Committee was asked by one of the Senators, "what is this 'Continuity of Government' Plan about?' the Honorable Senator from Hawaii intervened and halted even the question, in the name of national security. So, What's going on anyway?
All the big mucky-muck military leaders met last weekend in the Adirondaks over some vital issue. Do we know what that was? No. All we know from internet surfing is that Kennedy was and Moyers is terrified of Secrecy
that surrounds "national security." All we know is, FEMA is making huge preparations for some big trouble, with railcars having shackles and hundreds of thousands of plastic coffins.
This election is a distraction from reality. And it breaks my heart to see how many intelligent educated adults are getting sucked in. You know and I know, it's staged and rigged and it doesn't matter who wins. Globalism rules.
So, we better connect some very divergent dots, to get to the plot of our predicament-story.
Christopher Story of the UK tells the financial part: [abridged, to delete ads and extraneous stuff]:
NASA avoids telling THEIR parts of our cosmic story. Old Sol is in great travail. as well as the fact, NASA's Rovers are photographing Nibiru, almost exclusively : and
Further, NASA has been found to be lying about the Moon and Mars, by the use of distorted, defaced and altered photos misrepresenting those locations. , top of front page.
Here's how it goes together in a nutshell.
The financial debacle on the global table is for financing Star Wars under secret covert operations and against unknown enemies. NASA/NSA (its boss) cannot discriminate between decent ETs and predatory/parasitic ETs. They don't have the moral courage to make any judgments, so they just shoot at whoever they can.
WHY does NSA NOT KNOW WHO the Adversaries are and who the ALLIES are? Ideology. Dogma. Process. Procedure. Policy. NOT-SEE-ism, straight out of Illuminist traditions. Orion Group methods infiltrate Globalist-US-UK Governance, AKA "Zionism," "Neo-Conservatism," "Globalism." Illuminati doctrine is Orion Group (ET-Reptilian) doctrine, ever since the Annunaki squatted here, 30,000 years ago.
The money taken for Star Wars is not returnable to the people due to the fact it no longer exists; it was used up for underground bases, space-based weapons and bio-weapons (designed to limit EARTH's population -- not ET intruders themselves, who are genetically immune).
My conclusion, shared by Dr. William Deagle, Alex Jones and other alternative newscasters is that our current US leaders OF BOTH POLITICAL PARTIES work for the Orion Group -- whose objectives are to destroy THIRD DENSITY physical humans, as Alice Bailey so precisely articulated, in her "Externalization of the Hierarchy" doctrines. Genocide, generally. Empty and spoil the planet.
An articulated version of the Orion Group prospectus can be found here:
Bill Deagle pulls it all together, just as Al Collier and Bill Cooper did, but few people listen.
It's time we linked all the dots. Otherwise, we are not going to survive this.
We live in cosmic times; being passive spiritualists who lead and exemplify passivism, REFUSING TO CONFRONT THE REALITY that Evil REIGNS AND RULES, we may present false reassurances, with a result that we the people are led over a cliff of complacency and self-interest.
Get what I'm saying?
Yours sincerely,
M. Emily Cragg, webmaster