John McCain, the self-promoted Maverick heading to Washington to facilitate fundamental change to politics, is not what you would call a toe-the-line Republican. Some of his decisions have been construed by some as traitorous when he has reached across party lines to find a solution. Others see him as a statesman, who does not let party lineation get in the way of doing what must be done. Case in point – immigration and the border fence. Contrary to Republican stance, he met with members of the Democrat party and drafted an alternative to the hard line proposed by the Republicans.
Then you consider Sarah Palin, current governor of Alaska, the only VP contender in this race who has managed a multimillion dollar budget and has had to answer to voters as to how she conducts that budget. Interesting that she is such a popular governor among her constituents. She stood on principal when she went head to head with members of her own party and stood against the corruption that ran so rampant in her state.
I find it amusing, then, that support for McCain/Palin can be construed as “Republican trolls” marching lock step through this election. It has become expected that liberals will resort to name-calling and insults as they paint themselves as the “wise and intelligent” looking down upon us mentally starved peasants.
Liberals can never be happy until their own is elected. It doesn’t matter who they are or what they stand for. I have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for President George W. Bush. He led our country through a terrible time in 9/11, took a great amount of heat and criticism from others why professed they could do better, and stood by what he thought was right, no matter the angst thrust upon him. Liberals complained about his war record, that he served in the Air National Guard during Vietnam. Now we have someone who is unquestionably a War Hero, who met the enemy on the field of battle and spent years in a POW camp. Liberals and feminists screamed for the day that a woman could hold high office. Now we have one. Everyone is crying for change in Washington. Here are two people that represent a different way of doing things, a way Washington has not yet seen and needs desperately. Apparently that is not good enough, though. I honestly believe that all of this is a smoke screen, that liberals do not really want the things they demand. What they honestly want is to be in power, no matter the cost.
I do not believe you should ever vote strictly across party lines; you start to ignore the message, or lack thereof. Let us focus more on what will make America continue to be great, and not on just winning a contest.