I have heard that some have re-named these republicans who may have forgotten their roots or those who choose to work with democrat as RHINO. I can only assume that they have labeled these that because these individuals have attempted to work with the other party and does not advocate for more tax cuts and less government regulations all the time. Because of this label, it appears that they are being expelled from the party. One would think that since tax cuts and less government regulations have been tried before and is one of the primary reasons that we face such an uphill battle to save our economy now, the real patriots would want everyone to roll up their sleeves and go to work. One would assume that at this time in our history, that all of us would want those in Washington to put down their shields of division and come together for the good of this nation.
The word DINO refers to those who have a "D before their names and seems to be clueless. So many times the public has heard the excuse that they did not have enough in congress to do the will of the people, well now that excuse is gone. Now we are hearing other excuses as to why the will of the people are not being heeded. They now have the majority in congress as well as the White House, yet they can not come together and do the people's will. No more excuses. Excuses are like buttholes, everyone has them and they all stink.
So what's the difference between a rhino and a dino? A rhino is trying to work together for solutions, while a dino is too concerned about looking good in front of the camera. If any member of congress really wants to know what America desires, it simple. We want results! You are on our time.