Satiric poster lampoons health care reform mess.
They're O.D.'d on dignity!!!!!!
Little do they know benevolent bromides and honey-coated political promises are out.
The unexpected grabs attention and the unorthodox is the antidote to a world of mediocrity. Obama wrangles over health care reform are taking a turn for the worse. Arguments are rising to a fevered pitch and "Tea Parties intended to clear the air are just blowing smoke.
What's a nation to do?
Turn to the poster, the only form of communication that cuts to the heart of the matter and ferrets out the truth in a haystack of lies and misinformation.
Posters can satirize like no other medium or individual. Adman Stan Cotton has created the ultimate lampoon for this mess - a poster showing a fat cat business tyrant, flush with cash, straddling a donkey and elephant " symbols of the country's two major political parties.
Clearly, this cat " representing corporate insurance giants and greedy insurance and pharmaceutical companies -- is wagging the politicians. His Cheshire cat grin shows he's in control of the political lackeys " and his zoot suit and cigar recall an era when money talked, government was on the take, and John and Jane Q. Public were the unfortunate suckers.
Wait. That era never ended. It's just become more sophisticated.
But the poster still tops the arsenal of truth-finding weaponry. "They use irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of health care and other topical issues, Cotton said.
"As to the health care insurance issue, it's going to take unique, provocative promotions, even incendiary graphics and messages, to gain consumer attention, acceptance and demand for ethical political behavior, he said.
The posters really belong in the halls of Congress, courthouses, city and town halls across America. Let the fatuous cat go eye-to-eye with those who govern " and see who blinks.
More important, they must hang in the corporate insurance company castles and pharmaceutical ivory towers where the message can reach citizens and rally them to action.
It doesn't matter if the bosses rip them down. Posters deliver in an instant, and everyone who sees the ridiculous cat and the control invested in him in this satirical depiction can take it to heart " and turn anger to action.
People can raise their voices in the workplace. Or take the message to the streets. Go to the offices of congressman and senators and let them know you're being screwed. Let them know that you have the vote, and are in charge of their future in government, not the insurance and drug companies.
Tell the money moguls you're not going to take it. Then, get more posters and put them up on the walls in manufacturing companies, service stations, truck stops, schools, universities and firms that produce alternative fuels.
No longer is it an individual tirade. It's a movement " one that will make corporate and pharmaceutical producers realize the power of the people.
Visit Cotton's website,, and keep the message on the front burner. Get the posters that will continue to raise public consciousness of the nation's Number 1 problem --- quality health care for all.
And in the process, with citizens jumping on the campaign, change is inevitable. Cotton's posters and ad work are truth in the form of a bucket of cold water in the face. It wakes people up and gets them moving.
They're O.D.'d on dignity!!!!!!
Little do they know benevolent bromides and honey-coated political promises are out.
The unexpected grabs attention and the unorthodox is the antidote to a world of mediocrity. Obama wrangles over health care reform are taking a turn for the worse. Arguments are rising to a fevered pitch and "Tea Parties intended to clear the air are just blowing smoke.
What's a nation to do?
Turn to the poster, the only form of communication that cuts to the heart of the matter and ferrets out the truth in a haystack of lies and misinformation.
Posters can satirize like no other medium or individual. Adman Stan Cotton has created the ultimate lampoon for this mess - a poster showing a fat cat business tyrant, flush with cash, straddling a donkey and elephant " symbols of the country's two major political parties.
Clearly, this cat " representing corporate insurance giants and greedy insurance and pharmaceutical companies -- is wagging the politicians. His Cheshire cat grin shows he's in control of the political lackeys " and his zoot suit and cigar recall an era when money talked, government was on the take, and John and Jane Q. Public were the unfortunate suckers.
Wait. That era never ended. It's just become more sophisticated.
But the poster still tops the arsenal of truth-finding weaponry. "They use irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of health care and other topical issues, Cotton said.
"As to the health care insurance issue, it's going to take unique, provocative promotions, even incendiary graphics and messages, to gain consumer attention, acceptance and demand for ethical political behavior, he said.
The posters really belong in the halls of Congress, courthouses, city and town halls across America. Let the fatuous cat go eye-to-eye with those who govern " and see who blinks.
More important, they must hang in the corporate insurance company castles and pharmaceutical ivory towers where the message can reach citizens and rally them to action.
It doesn't matter if the bosses rip them down. Posters deliver in an instant, and everyone who sees the ridiculous cat and the control invested in him in this satirical depiction can take it to heart " and turn anger to action.
People can raise their voices in the workplace. Or take the message to the streets. Go to the offices of congressman and senators and let them know you're being screwed. Let them know that you have the vote, and are in charge of their future in government, not the insurance and drug companies.
Tell the money moguls you're not going to take it. Then, get more posters and put them up on the walls in manufacturing companies, service stations, truck stops, schools, universities and firms that produce alternative fuels.
No longer is it an individual tirade. It's a movement " one that will make corporate and pharmaceutical producers realize the power of the people.
Visit Cotton's website,, and keep the message on the front burner. Get the posters that will continue to raise public consciousness of the nation's Number 1 problem --- quality health care for all.
And in the process, with citizens jumping on the campaign, change is inevitable. Cotton's posters and ad work are truth in the form of a bucket of cold water in the face. It wakes people up and gets them moving.