Should I be ashamed that I wished such a thing for a human being? To my mind, he is a vile, evil scourge of humanity-- a maggot, a savage virus who has taken our culture down an ugly, hateful path, serving big corporations, hate, intolerance and regressive forces of darkness.
But is it hateful and intolerant for me to want him to die? Maybe it is. So be it.
President Obama sends drones in Pakistan to kill people, usually taliban leaders, who military, CIA and Xe (formerly Blackwater) operatives have summarily judged, convicted and decided deserved execution.
flickr image of limbaubh by Infinite Jeff
image of palin by by asecondhandconjecture
So, is it wrong to wish that the little, never properly functiong walnut of a cardiological biological aparatus in his chest-- I won't call it a heart, which has positive metaphorical connotations-- just heaves, shrivels up and stops
Would it make a difference in the US? Very likely. There are plenty of toxic radio personalities to fill his time slot, but not necessarily any who will hold his audience.
My guess is that no current radio show hosts would get the job. It would go to the other leader of the Republican party, Sarah Palin.
Now, don't expect her to fill his slot while he's convalescing, if he's lucky enough to do so. He's smart enough to know that she could eclipse him as the top talk radio host.
Sure, she's an idiot, with no experience in radio, but she could secure a radio gig in an instant, with big money contracts, producers to keep her from lapsing from reality TOO often, and a teleprompter to help her look smarter than she really is-- not very difficult.
The thing is, my wish is probably moot. Limbaugh surely has great health coverage and will, unlike the tens of millions he'd withold insurance from, get the best health care available.