In the box: - - A History of the Canadian Dollar Since 1950 - a CBC propaganda primer
Out of the box: - as in, this is how you are supposed to see things, from your tv couch, lights low and brain in beta-receptive, non-critical-thinking mode. Look Martha, isn't that interesting!! - nary a word, ever, about whether or not this is good for you as a Canadian, or whether YOUR government, run by responsible people looking out for YOUR good (that is the theory, if not actually the reality), ought to be allowing international speculators to be playing craps with YOUR currency, year after year, decade after decade. For some odd reason. Imagine, if you will, YOUR national currency, jumping up and down at the whim of international currency speculators playing against one another with no care at all how much you or another 30-odd million Canadians suffer from this (or anyone else in any other country, of course) - and your government doing nothing. And your media pretending all is as it should be. Quite amazing, really. And not a Canadian out there would ever admit to being indoctrinated.
Are there alternatives? Of course there are - the govs do what they want to do. Most Canadians either smoke pot or know people who do, and do NOT think the gov should be spending so much time and effort and dollars trying to stop them, but they do it anyway - which all has something big to do with organized crime - and so does international currency speculation - the organised crime goes where the money is, in any form. Legal pot, no money for organised crime. Controlled currency exchange, one less place for huge fortunes to be made, and hidden from 'the public', carefully trained to know next to nothing about what goes on with money, aside from the fact they gotta get to the office every day or they won't even have enough to pay the rent. Inflation, stock market crashes, depressions, etc - nothing you and I can do about, Martha, darn ol bad luck!
As Duncan Cameron writes here, World spooked by declining U.S. dollar, a guy called Keynes (ever heard of him? You never will in the Canadian mainstream media, because he advocated good stuff for we the people, and the capitalists really don't care for that kind of talk - and what the capitalists don't want you thinking about, you don't get to read in the papers or see on the tv, capice pal?!?) got the idea, as the early forms of a global society were starting to happen due to the new advances in technology, communications and transportation 100 years or so ago, that we should have an international currency called the Bancor. Not a great name, and I don't know the details of his idea, but it is what we need, some form of international currency, which is at the same time the collective average value of all collective currencies, and the value against which any single one is measured. The predatory capitalists and their bankers and investors will be deeply opposed to this (haha that's a serious understatement, they'd be instantly ballistic if anyone ever dared mention it in public) because it would cut down their huge speculation profits, but it could be very easily implemented - among governments working for We the People, that is to say.
Think of this world currency like air, or water, that is all around us. We have our own little ponds or lakes, and air varies from place to place, but it's all still there, always, changing only slowly. The capitalists are doing their best to destroy the air and the water too, of course, but that is a topic many others are working on.
There you go - one completely radical, but eminently necessary, idea, from Green Island today. That you will never, never, never, NEVER read about it the capitalist press.
And you should know by now - if you aren't reading about it in the capitalist press, it's probably something you should be thinking about.
(More out-of-the-box perspectives from On Green Island at Dave's website below)