We have to define Fascism and how the government dupes people into accepting fascism over democracy:
First there is a move by government to push nationalism: The heavy use of flags, flag symbols, slogans and patriotic songs.
Justification of Constitutional Rights Abuses: The government uses fear and lies to convince the public that in order to keep the nation safe the government needs to ignore the rights of individuals for specific threats. They rationalize the right to murder, kidnapping, jailing, spying and torture without legal justification
Military Might: When a public percieve that a strong military is needed to protect the nation from enemies they are willing to sacrafice domestic programs to give the military larger budgets than normal.
Controll of Mass Media: A fascists government can censor news, create fake news, control the news media thru legislation and allow consolidation of the news organizations to symphetic owners.
Creating Constant Fear of Attack. Fascists governments can continously create threat conditions thur the use of propaganda.
Government and Religion hand in hand: The Fascist Government selects the most powerful religions and funnels hugh amounts of tax dollars to them. The Fascists govenment than uses religious terminology to control the public.
Corporate Empire Protected: Fascists states are usually formed when the elitists of a nation put the government leaders into power and the government leaders than protect and promote the Corporate Empire.
Organized Lador Attacked: The only real threat to a Fascists State is organized labor. The state, with the help of the corporations and religious organizations, attack organized labor to destroy its power or eliminate the unions all together.
Attacking Liberalism: Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility toward liberal colleges, think tanks, newsmedia and other liberal organizations.
A Police State: A Fascists state cannot exists without a powerfull police force. The govenment uses constant propganda to convinces the people that police power should be absolute and civil liberites have to be limited when preventing crime in society.
Corruption: Fascists States are run by the good ole boys and relatives that can be trusted and the power of the state will protect them from prosecution for corruption and theft while in office.
Crooked Elections: A facsicst state will manipulate elections thru fraud, intimidation, lies, theft and the use of corrupt courts.
Now do you think we are heading toward a Fascist State? Better start practicing the famous quote.
Seig Hail!!!