New Hampshire uses Diebold version 1.94W Optical Scan Voting Machines for electronic voting in mostly urban areas containing the majority of its citizens, over eighty percent. These machines are highly susceptible to hacking in under 60 seconds by placing a trojan program into them that alters election results by any amount desired, then erases itself upon completion. This trojan can spread itself from machine to machine, infecting many others.
In New Hampshire electronic balloting is not supervised by any public agency, but by one private party (John Silvestro of LHS Associates) whom public officials cannot supervise. Why is so much power given to one man in the private sector instead to duly appointed and trained election officials accountable to the people? Some opine that this was intentional so that outcomes may be controlled without public scrutiny.
You can see precisely how these Diebold machines are compromised by viewing:
Many Americans are getting wise and not bothering to vote electronically, knowing that electronic ballots can be easily hijacked. They refuse to legitimize a scam process by a scam government that looks the other way, except when we send them our tax returns. For this they always have 20-20 vision.
Most U.S. Attorneys know what will happen to them if they investigate the e-voting scam. They already have eight recent examples in December 2006. The same fate awaits media heads who shine their lights in the wrong places.
Not only does New Hampshire need a recount, it, along with other states, must destroy all electronic voting machines and return to paper ballots that can be recounted whenever any questions arise about propriety. If this is not done forthwith, then perhaps there are a few incorruptible state or federal Attorneys that will make sure this is not only done, but proven violators exposed and punished as a deterrent to future elections being stolen by political jackals.
Remember: e-votes are non-votes.