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Plan B

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Mary sSarrett
Message Mary Starrett

Now What?

PLAN B Is Only Option As GOP Drowns Out True Conservative While Pushing Ultra Liberal Giuliani For President

Growing Numbers Join High Profile Conservatives Saying 'That's Not A Threat - That's a Promise - To Vote Third Party In November 

Poll numbers strongly suggest voters are thinking outside the box and would consider voting for a third party candidate for president in '08.
Joining prominent conservative, Christian leader Dr. James Dobson, who said his "conscience and . moral convictions"(AP/5/18,2007) would prevent him from voting for Rudy Giuliani should he win the Republican presidential nomination, more Americans are opting for 'Plan B' - a vote for a third party presidential candidate.
In a recent Rasmussen survey 58% of Americans said it would be good for the United States to have a "truly competitive" third party.
The Constitution Party , America's third largest party based on voter registrations (Ballot Access News) points to years of growing discontent with the Republican and Democrat "Big Box" parties as the reason voters are now weighing their options , especially on one issue that has voters seething - immigration. According to top-rated public opinion firm Rasmussen Reports , conservative respondents were asked how they would vote if "a third party candidate ran in 2008 and promised to build a barrier along the Mexican border and make enforcement of immigration law his top priority."

The survey shows, when it comes to immigration, both "Big Box" parties left Americans cold: the poll showed 35% of conservatives said they'd pick a third party candidate over a Republican.

It's no wonder,after years of broken promises voters are looking elsewhere. These numbers shouldn't surprise anyone - it's been a long time coming; especially in light of how both parties are ignoring American's wishes by pushing the current sham "immigration reform" legislation. It's nothing more than economic and public safety suicide. amnesty, plain and simple.

The Rasmussen study was done by the same firm that earlier showed Americans would trust a used car salesman over a member of Congress . .

Anger has supplanted apathy. Americans are furious over what has happened to their country at the hands of the power-elite now running the government. Polling numbers on the recent MSNBC GOP California debate and the early polls of FOX News' South Carolina debate show thatd espite the mainstream media's reluctance to acknowledge him, authentically-conservative Congressman Ron Paul had right-thinking voters sitting up and taking notice. Since the GOP has all but banished the congressman, what other choice do voters have but to look to a third party candidate?

Polling before and after the California debate showed Paul's approval increased 31% after viewers had a chance to hear him speak, compared to liberal "frontrunner" former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani who's approval decreased 19% after the debate. Numbers like that show Americans want someone other than the typical party boys and they won't get that with either of the 'Big Two'.

Third parties are no strangers to Americans. Almost a century and a half ago the Republican Party was itself a "third party", and came to power when the Whig party split apart over the slavery issue. We're seeing a similar thing happen now that the Republican Party has abandoned issues that are important to its conservative base.


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Former TV news anchor,radio talk show host, '06 Oregon gubernatorial candidate, currently Communications Director for Constitution Party
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