Hey, Dubya is trying hard to make sure the deal with Dubai is secure, of course he also said he knew nothing about it and if anyone tried to stop the deal he would Veto it.. He just knows we would be in safe hands with the Arabs after all they just want to help themselves to everything they can get. Of course with this being Dubya's second family we should trust them
Correct me if I am wrong, isn't Dubya the one that brought us the Iraq Occupation that was going to be In and Out because they were going to meet the troops with flowers?
You will notice in these writings that pResident Bush or 'Dubya' is named instead of others such as Rumsfeld, Rove, Rice, DeLay, Kenny Boy, Chertoff, Brownie, Libby and etc. The reason for this being that, This Is Dubya's Watch.
The more the likes of O'Reilly, Coulter, Hannity, Limbaugh and the likes rant and rave the dirtier you know Bush is. Like the old saying goes, "How can you tell when they are lying?" the answer "Easy, their lips are moving."
Though in Bush's case it is often hard to tell if they are his lies or someone elses, in other words is he wired or not. Though I do have to say for Dubya it is usually easy the spot his lies, they are usually so stupid that they are beyond comprehension, you can usually tell when he is off his leash.
Gulf Coast revisited. Seems some of the suggestions made by the 9-11 Commission had they been followed could have helped immensely when Katrina hit. But, Dubya had better things to do than to just sit and have someone read to him what they were. Therefore nothing was implemented.
Hey, the Head of Homeland Insecurity Looked Good for his appearances and his answers were about as sharp. I really do like it when they get them on the hook, just enough to make them squirm and then let them go. Guess they aren't Keepers. He Is still Head of Homeland Insecurity and not keeping "Heckuva Job, Brownie" company.
'Herckuva Job Brownie, how about that, get canned for being incompetent and they put him to work more or less advising them on Incompetence in the same department. Excuse me but something there does not make a hell of a lot of sense. I believe he is still getting paid for doing the same things that he got fired for. Heckuva Job Brownie!
Same old thing, more proof of Voter Fraud and some states just did not get it when they come to the Diebold Voting Machines. But the they are Republicans and KNOW that THEY can trust them, guess they figure that is all that counts.
Don't it just Irk you to no end when you have seen report after report on how much fraud, intimidation and disenfranchisement there was during the Elections (Not one but three) and they are still coming up with more two years after the last one and WHO do we see still in the Whitehouse?
Jeb Bush, Yeah, the one down in Florida says he will back the sale of our Ports to Dubai, he has great faith in what his brother is doing. Of course he does. The other states that will be giving over control of their ports do not see it the same way. So in Typical Republican Fashion WE Have a Majority of One. Way to go Jeb.
Can you understand this? The DISCUSSION on the possible threat to National Security by the sale of our major seaports is now being considered as a threat to National Security. Some more "Watch what you say, watch what you do". Above all do not question the Village Idiots decisions or wisdom.
Excuse me but this smacks of Cheney's Executive Order allowing him to declassify Documents for Political or Corporate gain.
They are going on and on about this sale to Dubai being no big thing as so much of our country has already been sold off and look how good we are doing now. It would be interesting to know each and every sale that has been rigged by this Secret Cabal that the Government knows nothing about. But then it has nothing to do with National Security.
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