Walking tonight at sunset, I can see Jupiter gleaming in the still-blue Western sky to the left of the stony Spring Mountains, while in the darkness behind me the gibbous moon shines brightly down on me. The air is finally crisp for Thanksgiving. It reminds me to enjoy this Thanksgiving Day with gratitude for the blessings we all share here in America - food to eat, clothes to wear, family to love, peace in the land.
I’ve been thinking about Jupiter (symbolizing expansion, curiosity, the search for meaning, ambition, pride, fame, leadership, wealth), as well as Mercury (symbolizing the mind, communication, business, travel, alchemy), on my walk, trying to understand this upcoming Full Moon in Sagittarius and Gemini. Each astrological sign has a planet (or two) that rules it, meaning that they share common attributes and fields of activities. Mercury rules Gemini, and Jupiter rules Sagittarius, so these two planets are involved in this Full Moon.
Whenever Jupiter and Mercury come together, the mind is expanded, the outlook is optimistic and intuition is strong. The search for meaning takes center stage and you see the bigger picture and visions of future possibilities. When you have these two planets connected in your birth chart, you have broad vision, a deep mind, and the ability to connect the dots. Your right brain (Jupiter) and your left brain (Mercury) are working together.
The Sun goes into Sagittarius, the sign of the higher mind and spirituality/religion/philosophy on Thursday morning – Thanksgiving Day. Sagittarius can induce us to be high-minded or judgmental, truth-speakers or fanatics. Then on Saturday morning before the Full Moon, Uranus in Pisces, which has been retrograde since June 23rd, will turn to direct motion again at 14 Pisces, opening up the doors of perception, asking us to free our minds and explore new possibilities. Uranus embodies the archetypal energy of individuality and invention, and can help us ‘think outside the box’ this full moon. What have we awakened to during these past 5 months? And how are we going to take action on it now?
This Full Moon in Gemini is all about the Mind – the Alchemical Mind. “As above, so Below.” Sagittarius’ task is to expand our consciousness, and discover greater truths and new realities, while the moon in Gemini asks us to be open-minded and inquisitive, willing to entertain possibilities. It is time to discover our truth – what we believe, how we perceive and therefore experience our life, how opened or narrow our perspective is, how deep we can penetrate into the mysteries of the cosmos, but first and foremost, into our own human psyches. And it is time to let go of what is holding us back from greater conscious about who we are meant to be.
This full moon calls us to re-establish equilibrium in our mental bodies, releasing old ideas, limiting beliefs and patterns so we can be open to the new realities and possibilities and evolutionary energies that are coming through in the next few weeks as Jupiter and Pluto begin their dance that will climax on December 11th with their conjunction near the Galactic Center. If you are interested in discovering your destiny and learning what you are meant to bring to the collective consciousness, you need to be meditating, cleansing body, mind and spirit (the moon’s nodes in Virgo/Pisces are squaring the full moon) and opening your hearts to the revelations, ideas, and visions that are coming our way. We must remember that the highest ideals (Uranus in Pisces square Jupiter in Sagittarius) of compassion, courtesy, respect, gratitude, and love must be the filter through which this new revelation comes – otherwise, our vision will be murky and dim with the old dying values of war, anger, ego, power and greed.
The Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon make us aware that we have blessings and surprises coming our way when we open ourselves to the ways of Spirit.
The Moon at 2 Gemini: Santa Claus furtively filling stockings hanging in front of the fireplace – we need to be in a state of innocence and purity of heart to receive our spiritual blessings as well as our material blessings.
The Sun at 2 Sagittarius: White-capped waves display the power of wind over sea – the constant interplay of wind and sea is dynamic, inspiring and beautiful. Wind is a symbol of spiritual dynamism and the sea represents the collective unconscious. Unconscious energies are now being aroused by spiritual and comic rhythms. Are we ready to give birth to our Self?
This Full Moon makes a square aspect to the Lunar Nodes – the South Node at 2 Virgo and North Node at 2 Pisces.
2 Virgo: A large white cross dominates the landscape – the wisdom and compassion that only the experience of suffering and isolation can bring. A liberating ordeal that teaches us through detachment and discrimination.
2 Pisces: A squirrel hiding from hunters in a hollow tree – this is a lesson about our survival needs and how we learn to protect ourselves and our emotional sensitivities.
The South Node in Virgo – personality traits we need to leave behind - says: let go of control, over-analysis, obsessive worry, fault finding and making others wrong, staying in unpleasant situations, inflexibility.
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