Hello From Rhode Island!
With Mercury slowing down, about to turn retrograde on January 28th at 24 Aquarius, and Mars slowing down, about to go direct on January 30th at 25 Gemini, is it any wonder that I can't get online with my wireless connection while I'm here in Rhode Island? Both Gemini and Aquarius are Air signs, concerned with communication, socializing, networking and technology. And it really made the Patriots play-off game touch and go!
This Tuesday, January 22, the Full Moon in Leo is opposite the Sun in Aquarius. Leo and Aquarius are the signs most concerned with our individual consciousness and group consciousness - more specifically, our creativity and how it affects the group consciousness. This Full Moon calls us to see our special gifts and talents and how we use our creativity for the betterment of our society or our group. Think 'outside the box' about how your talents and gifts can be used to educate and energize our fearful society.
Speaking of Light, we are almost at the cross-quarter holiday of Candlemas/Imbolc - better know to us as Groundhog Day. 6 weeks after the Winter Solstice, we can see the change in the amount of light that is available to us. We begin to feel that Spring and Summer, growth and consciousness, is returning to the Northern Hemisphere. We also catch a glimpse of what we are going to manifest in our lives this year - a new consciousness, a new creativity, a sense of purpose and direction. If you'd like to read a Candlemas story that speaks to this aspect of the Wheel of the Year, please check out: www.starofthebards.com, then click on Fairy Tales, and then click on the Candlemas story.
The Sun, the giver of Light, in Aquarius is joined by Mercury, Neptune and the North Node (our collective destiny path which just moved out of its year-long stay in Pisces) as well as the asteroids Chiron and Vesta. This combination of energies tells us the ability to focus on accessing higher wisdom to help heal our problems is our collective destiny. The Leo Moon reflects back this Light through the filter of its qualities of generosity, warmth, leadership and individuation - individual consciousness and creativity. We need new ideas, new energies, new vision. And each of us must do our part and contribute.
The Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon:
Sun at 2 Aquarius: An unexpected thunderstorm. The need to develop the inner security which will enable us to meet unexpected crises.
Moon at 2 Leo: An epidemic of mumps. The spreading power of individual crises through a collectivity.
This full moon speaks to our times. The collective atmosphere is full of uncertainty, worry, fear, anger. And yet, there is also the hope of change. People are losing their homes, can't pay their bills; some are facing unspeakable illnesses. Everyone is catching the flu. People are losing their jobs. Americans want change but do they have a vision of what that change will entail - both personally and collectively? Is anyone speaking of personal responsibility, sacrifice, creative vision and working together?
On January 22, 12 hours after the Full Moon, Mercury joins Neptune at 21 Aquarius, opening up our intuition and heightening our idealism. With Mercury going retrograde on January 28th, it will conjunct Neptune three times this Winter (retrograding on February 2 and moving direct on March 9) and keep us open to higher Wisdom, encourage thinking outside the box and keep us committed to finding alliances that are mutually beneficial.
On January 23, Venus joins Pluto at the last degree of Sagittarius, deepening our commitment to our values - truth, beauty, love - helping us to deeply listen to what we believe in. We will take this truth with us through the coming year as Venus goes around the Zodiac and meets up with other planets - both the ones in the sky and the ones in our birth charts.
And now for the BIG news. Pluto, which has been in the sign of Sagittarius since 1995, will change signs on January 25th. It will begin its journey through the sign of Capricorn this year - (going back into Sagittarius from the end of June to the end of November) - where it will stay until 2024. As mentioned in past newsletters, Pluto is the evolutionary energy that gets rid of what is no longer needed or useful. If something has outlived its purpose, Pluto brings it up into consciousness so we can let it go. In Sagittarius, Pluto brought up the dirt on religion, government, the Law - any of the big systems of thought and belief. We now know how badly in need of rebirth are our religious beliefs, our laws, our educational philosophy. Many of us have realized that we need to strengthen our belief in our Spiritual path, and practice the spiritual disciplines which help us unite body, mind and spirit. (Saturn in Virgo will help here!)
With Pluto in Capricorn, we'll get a chance to change the structure of these systems. But first, Pluto brings up the Shadow of the sign it transits through. The Shadow of Capricorn is the Tyrant and the Victim archetypes. Will we continue to allow our government to act the tyrant in the world and in America? Are we helpless victims of corporations and governments? We always have a choice - perhaps we need to exercise our free will and stop being the consumers that we are expected to be. We need to create a better system ourselves by turning off our TVs, shutting off our cell phones, and talking with 'real' people about working together and stopping America's slide into corporate mindlessness.
But first, we'll run into resistance, since the powers-that-be won't want to give up their control. Capricorn is an earth sign that deals with collective resources and corporations, institutions and governments. It governs society as a whole and how we contribute to it. Pluto in Capricorn will transform, reform, and reassess these institutions, as well as our sense of borders and boundaries, our ideas of property and resource rights. We will also be reassessing societal norms - types of marriage, the empowerment of blacks and women and minorities, immigration issues, mindless consumerism and our sense of work. Perhaps we will soon see a black or a woman president? We will reconsider the issues of wealth distribution, the environment, civil rights, aging, corporate rights, and our sense of social responsibility. These next 16 years will continue the dialogue of the two energies that were in play on 9/11 - Saturn opposite Pluto. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn - an energy that fosters fear, limitations, structures, patriarchy, as well as responsibility and discipline - and Pluto will continue to dig up the dirt on the secrets our government wants us to ignore. Our job as engaged citizens will be to demand the changes that are needed to get America to live up to its own ideals.
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