I have discovered that I only achieve total pure insignificance in my Art and Writing. In the main my other insignificance is just natural. It is a truly blessed state. It is reality. The Glad Handler is the entity entangled with significance in his covert-overt intentions and actions mired in mechanical materiality. The manipulator, thief, liar and philanderer all find themselves perpetually climbing a mountain of dissatisfaction. The more they strain and climb the more perilous the journey. A journey that only ultimately leads them back to somewhere three steps before they started. Futility is the reward for the Glad Handler who pressing forward only finds himself further behind.
So what's this lie called the Material-Mechanical universe and how does a broken clock shed light on this lie? And can how this possibly tie into my claimed achieved insignificance within my noumenological manifestation or the wayward, heavy significance of the Glad Handler? The broken clock is a beautiful intuitive metaphor for the confusion over matter, space and time generally. The lie is simply that they exist as they are and our contrived measurements validate that existence somehow. Empiricism, good as far as it goes, has never made anyone happy. I suppose it's nice to regulate and synchronize everyone's life with a clock, but it's sad when this kind of time becomes significant to the exclusion of the Timelessness that actually envelopes livingness.
The misplaced significance in Matter, Space and Time lead to the squandering or worse, the imprisonment of the simple, pure Energy of being alive. This is the specialty of the Glad Handler. The contrived games and shams of the manipulators distract and capture the attention of their victims. Often on a mass scale. Then misdirect them into schemes of futility for their own often sinister purpose. But the principal of timelessness, alive in itself, is never fooled. The hopeless vanity of the materially consumed is always guaranteed failure to deliver the happiness desired. Please don't read this as a subtle criticism of the rich. It's more about a healthy relationship with the material bounty of human endeavor. Timelessness enables the ultimate control of the Material-Mechanical Universe. Is this Freedom?
It's only in genuine Insignificance that the key to life is found. That mastery of the Matter-Space-Time-Energy continuum is achieved. This was the Teaching of Jesus and the Lesson of the Cross that has now been Glad Handled into some kind of free pass into heaven. Some kind of after life insurance policy. This was also the lesson of the Old Testament Book of Ecclesiastes. The futility of amassing and controlling material,controlling space, and synchronizing to the contrived measurement of false linear time are in these true Wisdom snippets, extolled. It simply gets you nowhere and cheats you of your own link to and participation in the timeless.
So it is here in my writing that my total insignificance is achieved. In more ways than one some of my readers may mutter to themselves as they slog through this leap into the inconceivable with my written words. But it is here, as I watch my concepts translate to my Yahoo notepad, at my own pace, as my thoughts congeal, that the Timelessness is so readily apparent. In my Art, my Music, or my writing, the Idea of creating something from nothing violates all the Empiricist's Logic. Though he may beg to differ. The Glad Handler doesn't give up that easy.
So don't discard that broken clock. In fact, everyone should have in their domain a broken clock to remind them. Remind them of the contrived nature of measured, incremental, linear time. From here, with a special leap, perhaps the irony of learning that the mastery of control over the phenomenological Universe only comes when you finally, and with all your heart, don't want it.