I got sunburned while attending a wonderful Earth Day event at City Hall on Saturday in northern California. I do not usually burn so easily. Several of us there noticed all the chemtrails that were appearing behind the jets flying overhead. By afternoon the trails had spread out all over the sky turning the clear sky very hazy. I wondered why they were spraying. So when I got home I went on-line to the NASA government website to see if we had a depleted ozone event overhead. Sure enough, the numbers were in the low 270’s way below 300 Dobson Units. See link. http://jwocky.gsfc.nasa.gov/ Now I know why I got sunburned so quickly.
Down in Australia in the southern hemisphere when the ozone layer gets too thin they issue UV alerts. I looked in the weather section of our newspaper, but I could not find one. But I found a government website on-line that had the information. That is where I found the alert. Here is the UV Index link. Let’s all use it.
When reading an Ultra Violet alert, on a scale of 1 to 12, anything over 6 qualifies as an UV index alert. As they say in Australia, it’s time to Slip, Slap, Slop. Slip on long sleeves; Slap on a hat and Slop on some sunscreen or stay indoors.
The ozone layer is thinning dangerously in our northern hemisphere. Pollutants in our atmosphere create chemical reactions that are destroying the ozone that shields us from the sun’s harmful rays. In the Antarctic, in 2007, the ozone hole grew to over 25 million square miles. Wherever the ozone concentrations get down to 220 Dobson Units, DU’s, it is considered a hole. Too much UV radiation not only sunburns, it causes skin cancer, cataracts and many other life-threatening problems.
About the chemtrails; each time I see the heavy jet contrails we call chemtrails, I check the NASA website. Each time the readings are showing ozone depletion over our heads that are under 300 DU’s. Now I am going to start checking the UV Index alerts. They evidently go together.