During this month, we need to take note of what triggers anger within us and try not to be reactive but give ourselves time to explore the real root of our anger Most of us hold anger within us, no matter how much work we have done on ourselves. This month provides a special opportunity to free ourselves from the hold of anger in our lives though careful respectful self observation, meditation, prayer and therapy if needed.
We transform and heal our anger most powerfully by accepting the challenges that we face this month as gracefully as we can. . There is goodness within every challenge you face and nothing happens by accident. Everything that challenges me and you on the outside is a mirror of what needs fixing within us. For example, when we understand the root of the negativity in our encounters with others, and release the hold that the negativity has within us through deep feeling work, we gain a certain detachment and loosen our energetic attraction to those kinds of negative encounters that we experience in your life. When we can let go of people who have been powerful triggers of challenge in our lives with love and blessing, we can free ourselves from repeating the similar scenarios with them or others in the future. If we continue to carry the resentment and anger for previous wrong-doings we experienced in life, we often attract people and situations that will trigger the same feelings we are defending ourselves against. It is ironic that it works like that but it often does.
In the month of Tevet, more than other months, we may even find that people appear unexpectedly from our past and we are now given an opportunity to heal unresolved conflicts and release anger that we have been carrying inside. According to an astrologer friend, the Venus retrograde occurring now indicates that we will be confronted with the karma of previous relationships even more so this month than in previous months of Tevet.
Remember that we are all in the month of Tevet together so we need to be extra compassionate to ourselves and each other if we find ourselves or others becoming more angry this month. During the month of Tevet, there often is a lot of change. People lose jobs, and friendships change. Some of our relationships with people and situations that have been disharmonious in the past may actually heal and become harmonious . We may also find that other relationships will cease this month because we see that they no longer serve a useful purpose and whatever karma we had with this person is more than completed.
For additional information about the energy of Tevet, along with meditations, teachings and exercises on how to transmute anger and negativity, please read my book Kabbalah Month by Month. To be on the Beit Miriam email list and receive weekly teachings about the kabbalistic energies of the months, healing, meditation, holidays, please introduce yourself to me at Ribner@msn.com or enroll yourself at Beitmiriam@yahoogroups.com
Melinda( Mindy) Ribner L. C.S.W. is the Founder and the Director of Beit Miriam. She is the author of Kabbalah Month by Month, Everyday Kabbalah and New Age Judaism. She is a spiritual psychotherapist in private practice. A teacher of kabbalistic meditation for over 20 years, she conducts workshops , professional training programs and meditative spiritual pilgrimages to Israel. Her website is under construction but can be viewed at www. Beitmiriam.org
(editor's note: OpEdNews would like to see progressive, spiritual, transpersonal perspectives from all religious and spiritual perspectives, from Atheism to Zoroastrianism and invites well written articles.)