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We the People take a deeper look at the pResident's Information warfare

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Virginia Simson
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We the People take a deeper look at the pResident's information warfare
Virginia Braddock Simson

With the revelations of the past few weeks stemming from Freedom of Information Act disclosures about information used against the American public (We the People), it is clear that We don't need to prove the pResident did anything, yet our investigations continue. It's the job of the court or Congress or war crimes prosecutors to provide the final legal answers to what should be done with the Bush administration and provide the nexus.

But We the People have a job: to establish what is most likely happening; outline that problem; and most importantly, maybe, to discuss solutions. Whether the US Congress or the international community agree or disagree is irrelevant. Our contract is obviously with the US Constitution and our obligation to uphold Geneva, which is the Supreme Law of the Land.

The question is whether the data and information that we have does or does not fit with the Department of Defense (DoD) information warfare guidance. And it does.

Once that is established that we don't need perfect information on the details (that is someone else's job), but to consider the other types of programs the pResident and the Department of Justice's Office of Legal Counsel (DoJ OLC) organized under this DoD information warfare umbrella. That umbrella has provided a "temporary" shelter for a coup which took place with the stolen election of 2000. We the People are now engaged in the process of taking that "shelter" away by showing precisely how it conflicts with international accords and the legacy of Nuremberg.

It is beyond dispute that there is a reasonable basis to request FOIAs about this larger vague nexus. A quick review of some DoD emails reveals a similar security industry in both the DoD emails and the US Attorney in re Wecht jury tampering. Later, We the People will be able to show that the same security industry problem runs rampant in other DoD programs such as black sites and the mistreatment of POWs.

That same pattern - that of having key players crossing between two issues - is how, in part, We demonstrated the connection between the National Security Agency (NSA) and contractors; and how We the People discovered some details of the still not-fully disclosed illegal activity. We're recognizing some of the common, loose threads of the same nexus. The same information connections to new, emerging lines of evidence in other illegal activity. It is the same nexus, not a new or isolated problem.

Some may not be familiar with these violations of international law or human rights. Our job is to focus on these violations, and not be preoccupied debating whether the nexus is real. Our time is better spent focusing our energy on finding information that would confirm or deny the scope of the illegal nexus. Although the information supporting the nexus outweighs the information against it, we're not here to debate whether the symptoms are real. Our job is to lawfully confront the problem of this unacceptable - and illegal - nexus with solutions.

This is not asking anyone to avoid questions, or stop independent research. That important work must continue, in parallel.

Some believe this information is hidden. Some of it is, but some data is out there, still to be discovered, through the FOIA process. Other data can be pieced together using the open sources to guide others to important, new insights.

Our job is to lay the foundation for those asking for information to show there is specific evidence supporting these FOIA requests. This asks that you keep an open mind about how these findings fit in with the larger nexus, and how the smallest piece of information can make the difference. This is of critical importance to We the People, you and I. We need every one involved to notice the details in the emails. They are important and connect to other things that cannot remain hidden.

The information is available in public. This effort will hopefully guide others. The FOIA responses - and by this I mean in particular to questions about the digital data forensics, conference coordination and data exchange between the IT industry - will give us more details. This will strengthen the connection between the FBI contacts in re Wecht; and the NSA illegal domestic surveillance.

The larger issue isn't illegal Federal Intelligence Security Agency (FISA) violations. That is a symptom. The larger nexus is the common information warfare. It includes NSA FISA violations, POW abuse, Wecht jury tampering and the military analysts' domestic propaganda.

Indeed, it is time confusing for We the People to comb through these documents. But the Constitution demands we continue our work, finding the connections and pathways, examining the decayed foundation below our nation's house. Combined, each of our points of light forms a giant torch, illuminating new tunnels within this nexus.

Some data from one cavern reflects from one inconsequential rock, and bounces across the tunnels, illuminating a new pathway we missed. Our job is to notice where the stray light falls, and recognize the new jewels newly flickering in these untraveled caverns. We must shine our lights, adjust to the unfamiliar light, and notice what is new. The smallest flicker may lead to the important tunnel. Our job is to find it, then lead the way.

To put this another way, the fact that the government has hidden information that is otherwise available through open sources strongly supports the assertion that the aim is NOT to protect "private information" (which is disclosed elsewhere), but to hide information useful to show the DoD information warfare guidance largely matches the evidence related to FBI jury tampering, NSA domestic surveillance/FISA violations, and information directed at civilians.

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Virginia Simson is a blogger - USuncutMN.blogspot.com as well as a blog on the uranium industry and hydraulic fracking at www.lowlevelradiation.blogspot.com which anticipated the Japanese meltdowns. She has a large archive of material on (more...)
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