One has to be pretty BRAIN DEAD to not realize that the klusterfuck is upon us. I've only tagged some items that fit on my blog, but you'll quickly get the picture if you access that link. Yes, I know my blog is slow to load - there are scripts planted on it by the powers that be (ptb). We the People will be facing higher gases prices, our savings wiped in bank runs, redueced social budgets due ot military fundings by governments, food shortages after increased prices we are paying at the grocery store - all the while having our sensabilities and soul runied by the tortuous US public policy and the maintenance of black sites adn detention facilities.
The ruling elites have taken their stands. The future of Israel, Canada and Turkey and the rest of the world - hang in the balance as well as the Sociali$m for the rich agenda - THEY share the profit$ - the slaves and bootlickers get the losses - continues its brutal march.
The long emergency and the gas pump prices reflect that .. As a resut, It appears that next Bilderberger (secret meeting this time!) is slated for MONTREAL in June .. called Mastering CHANGE; the Great Transition. It will be held 9 June to 12 June at the HILTON BONAVENTURE. ACTIVIST ALERT!! You can be sure that basic human rights will not be on the agenda that weekend. The usual cast of characters is expected to be there. The calendars of the major members were checked, adn this seems to be The Place.
Many of We, The People are not yet PLANETIZED and are missing the Big Picture.
The US is broke!!
It cannot maintain it's empire much longer and THEY, those who proper from out misery, know this.
Meanwhile to get control and proceed with the NAU, plans are necessary fir ending the Quebec language laws.
Domination of the masses of the world relies on WARMONGERING and divisions among people, extreme tactics (shock doctrine) will always be trotted out to further the ruling elites agenda ..
Real information is kept out of your hands entirely and one can ONLY rely on the West Coast American and Canadian Indy media for really good information on the real state of play in North America.
I have considered just how martial law is to be accomplished - looked at pandemics, dirty bomb scenarios, attacks at the Sears Tower, attacks on Houston's oil facilities - and I have concluded they just await the natural occuring WEST COAST EARTHQUAKES as the pretext.
And here we go! All is happening RAPIDLY. Here is yesterday's CTV coverage of the West Coast earthquake activity.
The boundaries between the US and Canada will be dissolved in an instant, the mercenaries and military forces will be hauled out domestically BEFORE THE FALL of Irak, the coming disaster in Afghanistan, and before all occupants of the Occupied Territories are exterminated and Isreal's funding gets cut off ..
This information on the Oregon Quakes is really the Defining Moment - are we, you and I who are NOT ruling class to be slaves and bootlickers or are we not. Can "government" force people to revert to THEM for answers to crisis? It worked with 9/11, why not NOW? Far better to use Mother Nature as a pretext for the next crackdown then to rely on something that would get as much scrutiny as 9/11 ..
Hey, we are all ON OUR OWN, the environmental refugee crisis for WHITE PEOPLE is about to come to the surface.
Here is the link to Captain May's analsis, I strongly disagree with it .. of synthetic terror possibliies ..
Here is where my EYES ARE PEELED RIGHT NOW. I urge you to pay attention.
The PLAN is to implement FEMA (part of Homeland Security) as the COMMANDING agency on BOTH sides of the border .. with the Canadian military providing the troop back up.
I got suspicious when I found the CENTCOM/Central Command deal was inked on 14 February. The Canadian public has STILL not been informed - that remains ONLY on the US CENTCOM site as a public announcement -the Central Canada Command announcement has NOT YET appeared in the Canadian Armed Forces magazine.
Expect to see an attempt made to implement in Coos Bay fossil fuel/natural gas plans very quickly IF this martial law scenario comes into being. (The effects of Hurricane Andrew were never covered in the media, folks!!) As this will supply CRUCIAL energy needs which the ptb want at their disposal.
Don't fall for the racheting up of the new soft fascism to come - the new from of GREENING which is "sustainability tyranny". Doug Plumb of the Canadian Action Party has created a great archive material on the REAL Issues. Please. Give it a read.
I am NOT sending out a doom and gloom message, btw. What I am pointing out is for information purposes only, a reminder that there are patterns, not just details to be looked at.
If helping get rid of the torturing cabal is your task,
Hey, keep working!
Keep working for impeachment and a special prosecutor to be appointed to investigate TORTURE and North American international law obligations.
But a full return to the RULE OF LAW is our best course of action.
Unusual Earthquakes Measured Off Oregon
Saturday, April 12, 2008; 5:06 PM
GRANTS PASS, Ore. -- Scientists listening to underwater microphones have detected an unusual swarm of earthquakes off central Oregon, something that often happens before a volcanic eruption _ except there are no volcanoes in the area.
Scientists don't know exactly what the earthquakes mean, but they could be the result of molten rock rumbling away from the recognize
d earthquake faults off Oregon, said Robert Dziak, a geophysicist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Oregon State University.
There have been more than 600 quakes over the past 10 days in a basin 150 miles southwest of Newport. The biggest was magnitude 5.4, and two others were more than magnitude 5.0, OSU reported.
On the hydrophones, the quakes sound like low thunder and are unlike anything scientists have heard in 17 years of listening, Dziak said. Some of the quakes have also been detected by earthquake instruments on land.
The hydrophones are left over from a network the Navy used to listen for submarines during the Cold War. They routinely detect passing sh
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