I just enjoy watching these Sunday morning Talk shows, I always have. I especially enjoy Tim Russert as he is going to make his guests squirm. However I was impressed with the aplomb and honesty of mike Huckabee. After they went through the usual Terrorism stuff Russert started nailing him on his Christian Faith and his pronouncements on Homosexuality and abortion. Agree or disagree with him you have to admire the way Huckabee refused to tap dance and pander. He simply stated his personal views and then stated that this is a nation of laws, not a Theocracy, I paraphrase. He said in essence that there would be no Christian litmus test for people who would work with him in Government. Huckabee defended his tax increases in Arkansas by saying that first the Tax increases were court ordered and then that the money was spent on improving education and infrastructure. His point being that Taxes are not always bad when they go to actually improving the lives of the Tax Payers.
When asked about his latest polling that seems to have him tailing off some, he said that perhaps the negative campaigning of Mitt Romney was having as effect. It was funny when he talked about Iowans going to their mailboxes and getting all these letters saying what a bum Mike Huckabee is. Huckabee also said that the attacks on John McCain were ridiculous. He said that even though McCain is a rival in these primaries he knows McCain to be an honorable man. Watching McCain and Huckabee take on Mitt Romney and patting each other on the back, you have to suspect an agreement between the two.
Obama had one really good line for my ears that really stood out. He said the difference between him and the others was that the problem with Health care and insurance wasn't Mandates, it was the fact that people simply can't afford it. I think most Americans fear mandatory health Insurance simply because of the inevitable high cost. And a cost that will only rise in proportion to their income being simply taken out of their paychecks with workers having no say. Obama at least sounds good saying that the costs of Health care and Insurance must come down. He figures if people can afford it, they will buy it. That sounds wonderful and fair some how. So, good luck pulling that off.
Some additional observations:
I don't know Mitt Romney personally but the way he comes off on TV is bad. I just don't like him. I don't know if it is him or his Media handlers. Maybe a little of both. He seems a little cold, harsh, thin skinned and reactionary. He just doesn't have that relaxed poise, his smile seems forced. He's the opposite of Huckabee. Romney always seems to be performing and saying what he thinks people want to hear, where as Huckabee seems to just say what's on his mind. Romney = calculated -- Huckabee = Spontaneous.
None of the Democrats seem to be particularly spontaneous. Obama at least seems somewhat sincere. I think the handlers have ruined the Democratic field of candidates. The speeches are all formula even Obama's. As in, raise your voice and be emphatic right here and bring it home. Perhaps oratory is a lost art. perhaps oratory first requires speaking from the heart. I think when Obama started out he was good. But now the handlers with their demographics and polls have sucked the life right out of his message.
I never heard the name Ron Paul on any of the shows I caught today. Though I didn't see every second of every show.
I'm sure Iowa will be glad when this is over so they can go back to their normal routines. So they don't have to be afraid to watch TV, get their mail or just take a walk around town. However, I'm sure there are many in Iowa who have personally profited from the circus in town, hotels, restaurants, Media outlets etc.
Well, soon we'll have some Caucus results to consider, but meanwhile in the polls Iowa is a toss up for the Democrats and Huckabee might win for the Republicans.( Though I just read in the Sunday OpEd news letter that Romney has pulled ahead) As we all know, election results can look a lot different than the run up polls. That same can be said of exit polls of actual voters. ha ha
Guilliani's ad running in Florida is Ironic. He's talking about how Americans will unite when someone tries to steal their freedoms. Oh don't blame Guilliani, all the candidates are on the Establishment message about this Terrorist threat. No Talk at all about opening new 9/11 investigations. Or if there is talk, it is very muted, as in stifled.