Dear Ms. Bowen:
Thank you for taking the initiative and the heat. We absolutely concur with your notions of what an election system is to achieve. Your opening comments were wonderful.
In Colorado, the Secretary of State may decertify equipment and immediately authorize a temporary use of the decertified equipment.
If you do nothing else, we hope that you will decertify the equipment. We also hope that you will not allow its use, but at least decertify the equipment.
Please consider this. It was proven in district court that Colorado voting equipment was not properly certified. The judge ordered recertification of the equipment but did not order decertification. Consequently, even if the equipment fails the re-certification tests, the equipment can still be used and new equipment of the same type can still be purchased. In other words, nothing happened. See MYRIAH SULLIVAN CONROY, ET AL., v GINETTE DENNIS, IN HER OFFICIAL CAPACITY AS COLORADO SECRETARY OF STATE, Case No.: 06 CV 6072.
This equipment was not designed to meet the standards for which it is being marketed. It should be considered unfit for merchandise.
At a minimum, please protect the purity of elections. Please decertify this equipment.
Al Kolwicz
Colorado Voter Group
2867 Tincup Circle
Boulder, CO 80305