Does John Conyers want to go down in history of the sole man who COULD HAVE impeached the worst administration in the history of the USA but DIDN"T?
The sole man who COULD HAVE helped restore the USA's global credibility by upholding the US Constitution but didn't?
The sole man who COULD HAVE prevented the "Great Depression Pt. 2" by helping to get the global economy back on track by restoring the USA's global credibility with the impeachment of Bush/Cheney but didn't?
The sole man who COULD HAVE prevented the escalation of WWIII with the US/Israeli bombing of the Bushehr nuclear plant in Iran in March of 2008 which led to a wider war with Iran/Russia/China/etc. but didn't???
The sole man who chose the easy and cowardly path to keep 'impeachment off the table" because of selfish partisan politics related to the 2008 election????
Does John Conyers want to be remembered as a ZERO?
Does Conyers want to be remember as a HERO?
-A great American who grew up in Detroit and later fought in the Korean war.
-A great American who had a long illustrious career in the US House of Representative who was one of the founders of the Congressional Black Caucus.
-A great American who supported the impeachment of Dick Nixon.
-A real LEADER who had the courage to uphold the U.S. Constitution when virtually all his co-horts in Congress were more worried about partisan politics and the 2008 election.
-A REAL AMERICAN HERO who finally chose to do the right thing for America potentially risking his own career by instigating impeachment hearing against Dick/Bush putting an end to their flagrant violations of US and international law!
It is my belief (as Rob has suggested for some time now) that Conyers is the key. He is the single person who can get the impeachment ball rolling. So perhaps getting him to think about his own LEGACY is the way to pursue this idea. These are the questions Conyers needs to be asked. These are the questions we need to pound into Conyers mind over and over because perhaps unlike most politicians he still has a conscience? Maybe just maybe if we bombarded his office/phone/emails/fax machines/etc with these questions...maybe in time his conscience would get him to 'do the right thing'? Perhaps I am too naive and he has been given too much bribery $ to even act on it and he plans on sailing off into the sunset with his load of cash in tow...? Boy that sure would be a sad miserable existence fading into oblivion with that stigma and guilty conscience for a once great man....