This week, the corporate media launched into a bizarre full front orchestrated attack on French, Oscar winning actress, Marion Cotillard, for her doubts about the official story of 9/11. What makes it bizarre is that she made them over 1 year ago. So, why drudge them up now?
It is likely it is part of a futile damage control by US and UK corporate media, who have been accomplices in the 9/11 attacks, some since day 1.
Why now, are they unloading on Marion Cotillard? Because 9/11 Commissioner, war veteran, and former Nebraska Senator Bob Kerrey is reportedly calling for an open ended new 9/11 investigation that would stay open for all new emerging facts to be investigated.
The BBC "somehow" knew that WTC 7 was going to collapse 23 minutes "before" anyone in the world knew it was going to happen. When this footage was discovered the BBC then engaged in a childish frantic cover up where they claimed to have "lost" all three of their legally required archive films showing their reporter in NYC on 9/11, announcing the WTC 7 collapse "23 minutes before it did."
CNN apparently was also involved, having foreknowledge of the WTC 7 collapse, about an hour "before anyone in the world".
Of course corporate media in the US and UK has never spent any time investigating these bizarre examples of insider knowledge they themselves are now proven to have had on 9/11. HOWEVER, they have dedicated substantial time acting as thugs, attacking anyone who questions the increasingly transparent official myth of 9/11.
Rosie O'Donnell and Charlie Sheen were among the media's early victims, when they came out and challenged the official story of the building collapses. The oscar winning French actress is just the latest.
But, again, why are they attacking her now for year old 9/11 comments? Not only because of 9/11 Commissioner Kerry's call for a new 9/11 investigation, for his reported call for one, is just part of an avalanche of 9/11 truth and suspicion bursting forth from government and popular culture.
A 9/11 truth presentation at the European Parliament recently came on the heels of Japanese National television covering their nation's lead opposition leader hammering their prime minister, as he made a case that their government had been duped by a US government that had involvement in the attacks of 9/11/2001.
Before that Dennis Kucinich had committed to opening new 9/11 investigations.
Even our friendly neighbor to the north, Canada, is now seeing national CBC television coverage of charges of 9/11 as an inside job.
National television news audiences in Australia, due to the trial of so-called "9/11 terrorists" are now being exposed to the defense claims that 9/11 was perpetrated by the US government.
View Australian TV report at:
And popular culture is roiling with 9/11 truth works coming out. The Tribeca Film Festival has just accepted an explosive new 9/11 truth film, "Able Danger."
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