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Opening the door

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Bob Portune

If our elected representatives are smart - and we've unfortunately seen scant evidence over the past several years that they are - they'll get behind Congressman Dennis Kucinich on this one. In a move Wednesday (that's so far been, how shall we say it... underreported by the MSM), Kucinich...

...alleged that the Vice President had committed a series of impeachable offenses and stated that he was therefore introducing Articles of Impeachment against Cheney in the Congress today.

Kucinich started off by reading the opening words of the Declaration of Independence, commenting that they were "instructive at this moment."

"Whenever any government official becomes destructive of the founding purposes, that official must be held accountable," he said.

Be sure to read Dennis' actual text as well. And keep in mind, regardless of your Party of choice, that the sworn mission of both the Vice-Presidency and the top spot itself is "to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." It is certainly not "to alter, subvert and defile" this basic building block of our democracy.

Lying to the American people, even under oath, about a consensual sexual affair does not constitute an impeachable offense against our Constitution. Lying to the Congress and the citizenry in order to launch an unprovoked (and, therefore, Constitutionally illegal) war against a sovereign nation most certainly does. And I still can't understand those among us who refuse to see the difference.

I mean, if a con-man scammed you out of $500 you'd want him apprehended, prosecuted, and clapped in irons - and rightfully so. Yet a proven con-man who's taken the very lives of our children or spouses or friends is somehow deserving of continued support? Above investigation? The recipient of unflagging allegiance and respect?

I increasingly feel in my gut that the next 21 months may well be the most dangerous of the Bush/Cheney Administration. Their well-documented behavior up to this point in time shows a definite pattern of unilateral arrogance; a callous disdain for human life outside the womb; a repeated dismissal of treaties, international law, and simple human decency as "quaint" and "not applicable to us;" and an inexcusable lust for military "solutions" to nuanced global issues.

All driven by a plan for world domination hatched a decade ago.

We have no reason to believe that this behavior will change between now and January of 2009. We have every reason to fear that the Constitutionally mandated timetable for the withdrawal of the PNAC Republicans from Washington will only increase their sense of desperation to do as much damage as possible before time runs out.

And until Cheney, Bush, et al are removed from power, we can't expect anything around us to change for the better.

I do still find it unforgivable that impeachment wasn't put on the table years ago. And before you start, I know, I know - it would have been "futile" and "symbolic" and "alienating to the undecided voter," blah blah blah blah blah. Nobody said a career in politics would be easy, kids. But good God - what about a basic standard of justice and fair play?

What about standing up for principle? What about introducing, and re-introducing, and re-introducing impeachment until the tide finally turns, and the majority catches on? What about doing what's right, even when it's unpopular?

We're held grievously accountable if we underpay our goddamn VISA bill a few months in a row. What about someone who's lied us into an invasion and occupation that's killed and maimed hundreds of thousands, drained our once-overflowing coffers, and made us more vulnerable to deadly retaliatory attacks by a host of new enemies?!

But, that's all water under the bridge - and as Republicans are now fond of saying about Iraq, "we are where we are." Damn straight! Dennis Kucinich has finally opened the door. It's up to us to insist that our representatives in Washington walk through it with him.



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After 25 years as a Post-Production Specialist in the greater New York/New Jersey area, Bob recently relocated to Orlando to continue his editorial business and begin Art Directing high-end commemorative magazines. He's been extensively involved (more...)
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