To: Senator Feinstein
Senator Boxer
Representative Susan Davis
CC: Senator Dodd
Senator Reid
Representative Nancy Pelosi
Senator Snowe
Senator Hagel
Dear Senators Feinstein and Boxer and Representative Davis;
I am writing to you as your constituent and after spending the day watching speeches on CSPAN regarding S2248 (FISA, amendments). I am also writing after receiving Senator Feinstein’s email dated 12/18/2007 at the time of 5:22PM, which included “additional views” of Senator’s Snowe and Hagel.
I am copying Senator Reid and Representative Pelosi as they are the Congressional leaders of the respective houses and think they should be aware of my writing. And I’m copying Senator Dodd, as it was his willingness to put Constitutional principle above practical regarding his Presidential bid that ought be the byword for how members of Congress engage in politics.
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