The US Constitution gives "we the people", through our elected representatives in Congress, the power and authority to get rid of members of the executive and judicial branches who are violating their oath of office to uphold the Constitution, or who are committing high crimes and misdemeanors. When there is reasonable grounds for suspicion that offenses have been committed, it is the DUTY of the House of Representatives to investigate whether these offenses warrant impeachment, which is the equivalent of arraignment, the formal bringing of charges. It is then the DUTY of the Senate to act as a judicial body and hold a trial, to determine whether the official is guilty. If he is found guilty, he is removed from office, and then is liable to a regular criminal trial on the charges.
Bill Clinton was actually impeached by the House, for lying about Monica. The Senate declined to find him guilty, and he remained in office. Nixon resigned rather than face a full investigation by the House of the Watergate charges, and implicitly admitted his guilt thereby. Neither was prosecuted for their offenses.
Both Bush and Cheney have been accused of many high crimes, ranging from graft to mass murder, yet the Congress refuses to impeach. Polls show that the people want impeachment if these crimes- among them: lying us into Iraq, illegal warrantless wiretapping, enrichment of Halliburton and Carlyle from the Iraq war, at least passive complicity in 9-11, outing of a key CIA agent, failure to cope with Katrina, and a host of others- can be proven to be the fault of Bush and Cheney. Certainly there are ample grounds to MANDATE an investigation, yet the Congress refuses even to launch one.
Terrible crimes are being committed around the world in the name of the American people, with our tax dollars. People are being tortured and murdered, toxins such as depleted uranium and napalm are being spread disseminated, global warming is being accelerated by the policies of the Bush/Cheney administration. WE THE PEOPLE ARE RESPONSIBLE!
The only recourse we have is impeachment. This is available to us. it is legal, peaceful, and democratic.
If you are not working to ensure that the next Representative to be elected to Congress from your district is an outspoken advocate of impeachment, you are SHIRKING YOUR RESPONSIBILITY AS A US CITIZEN!
This is the only cause that matters right now. If you care about the environment, women's rights, social justice, decent health care and education, respect for international law; if you care about the future, GET RID OF THE BAD GUYS! WORK FOR IMPEACHMENT!
These people are leading us to nuclear war and destruction of the biosphere. And we are complicit, by allowing them to stay in office. It is time do do the right thing, WORK FOR IMPEACHMENT.
Ezra 18: 28If the wicked, turning from the wickedness he has committed,
does what is right and just,
he shall preserve his life;
since he has turned away from all the sins that he committed,
he shall surely live, he shall not die.
In the name of the Prince of Peace, Carol Wolman