On December 20th he gave a speech in which he made the statement, "Stability in Iraq ultimately depends on spreading the message of Jesus Christ, the message of peace on earth, good will towards men. Everything depends on everyone learning about the birth of the Savior."
Now, obviously this is just another GOP nut job that hasn't the slightest real theory on how to win this war in Iraq. What he's doing now is only further enraging any terrorist organization who has heard is words.
That's right; I just accused a Grand Old Party member of inciting terrorism and therefore placing American lives at risk -- something these guys love to erroneously accuse Dems of.
These words can easily be construed to the outside world that we are trying to spread Christianity through Iraq. Good job, Rep. Hayes. You just reinforced what the Al-Qaeda leadership has been trying to emphasize to their followers for years, which is that the troops fighting in Iraq are modern day Crusaders. I wonder how many converts that will bring to their side and how many troops you are now indirectly responsible for killing.
Should we be surprised such comments are coming from Rep. Hayes? Not at all, if you knew his history. Without going too far back, you may remember him as the (Republican) congressman that stated, "Saddam Hussein and people like him were very much involved in 9/11," in June 2005, well after the 9/11 commission had determined "Nor have we seen evidence indicating that Iraq cooperated with al Qaeda in developing or carrying out any attacks against the United States."
How are people like this allowed to stay in office? I imagine the state America's political system is in now is something similar to what England was going through when rogue colonists decided to rebel against the kingdom. Unfortunately, now there is no "New World" to run to and get a fresh start. To get this country back to the point where other countries are looking up to us, we need to get Rep. Hayes out of office immediately.
Hey, 8th district of North Carolina, WAKE UP! By re-electing Rep. Hayes you have hurt America. History will reflect how much more damage he can dish out in the next two years.