See this page for links to articles on OpEdNEws that articulate both sides on the issues in the middle east. It is the goal of OpEdNews to air opinions from both sides to stretch the envelope of discussion and communication. Hate statements are not accepted. Discussions of issues and new ideas for solutions are encouraged. .You would think after five years of corrupt and criminal foreign and domestic policies, the democrats would have finally learned. Yet, here we are with a pending disaster in the Middle East, and I have yet to hear any substantive comments from the democratic leadership demanding Bush change tactices in its handling of the Israel/Lebanon crisis. None have expressed concerns about the administration's true intentions in the region. Indeed, I went to the Democratic Party's website, and there is NOTHING on the front page referring to the current crisis. Worse, the democrats are not only being complicit in this situation, they have come out publicly supporting Israel's actions! The majority of democrats in house signed on to a ludicrous resolution stating US support for Israel.
Starkly missing from this week's dialogue about the current situation between Israel and Lebanon was any reference to how the Bush administration will utilize the crisis to further its own goals in the region. There is a ridiculous false assumption guiding the current conversation that the Bush adminstration is vested in an outcome other then one advancing its own agenda in the region. The Bush adminstration entire purpose during their past five years in office has been to push for advancement of its own radical agenda despite all evidence that its goals and policies are detrimental to the majority of American people...indeed, the entire globe. In light of this reality, the operative questions are this:
What are the adminstration's true goals in the Middle East?
How will the Bush adminstration seize the current crisis between Israel and Lebanon to achieve these goals?
War. War with Iran. War with Syria.
The Bush adminstration's efforts to create a consensus within the Pentagon and the military about a preemptive military strike on Iran have been frustrated by the debacle of Iraq war and the political consequences of pursuing such actions against Iran. The American people have no desire to invade yet another sovereign nation to advance Bush's empirical, maniacal fantasies. Most Americans do not share the admisntration's desire to remake the Middle East in its own demented vision. So, the adminstration can not take direct action in Iran or Syria without a very high risk of alienating the public. However, if the adminstration attacks after being 'goaded' into entering the conflict in guise of protecting Israel, the public will likely swallow another war, however reluctantly. Right now, the conflict is restricted to a war between Lebanon and Israel. But, the longer the conflict continues, the greater the chance that Syria and Iran will become directly involved. And, is it really beyond the realm of possibility with this adminstration for them to manipulate or lie about Syrian/Iranian involvement to create the excuse for direct military conflict? They have done it before. Why wouldn't they do it again?
This administration is patently dangerous. It absolutely can not be trusted. This situation could very well be used as the cover they need to drag us into military action in the region. Do our political leaders outside the adminstration have so little imagination as to what the Bush administration will do with this crisis? We can not afford the silent acquiescence of the democrats (or republicans) while the situation spirals out of control. There has to be an outcry from our political leaders now, otherwise I fear we may soon cross a point of no return.
One leading to an all out world war.
Suggested Reading
Bush's Middle East Vision:
Bush's Iran Plans:
Lebanon, in crisis, Bush, Most democrats in denial
US speeds up bomb deliveries for Israel