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Election Lessons and Why Kucinich Ought to Be the Next President

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Jamie Santi

Standing short at 5'7" tall, Dennis Kucinich has always been the favorite target of political jokes from left and right in the media. But no matter how funny looking he seemed to be to others who even consider him as a hobbit from Lord of the Rings, Dennis Kucinich has a lot more to offer than his looks.

Election lesson number 1: "Don't judge a book by its cover."

I have never met Kucinich in person. But whenever I see or hear him speak in a short time in a debate, I can feel that he is honest, passionate about serving, and speaking from his heart. If you still don't know, he is the only candidate who has always been consistent on his stands on issues especially about the war in Iraq. The consistency in his words and actions is what sets him apart from the top three (Clinton, Obama, Edwards). He voted against the war from the beginning and consistently voted against funding to continue this war, which was based on lies. But that's another story.

Election lesson number 2: Electability should not be a factor

I've heard from many people that they like Kucinich and agree with his principles but they don't think he is electable. Hmm. See, this is the problem with most people. They don't think the guy can win so they go for a candidate who is somewhere in the top among the polls. Listen everyone or should I say read, he is one of the presidential candidates and it means that you can elect him and give him a shot at winning this. If you believe that this election should be about real issues that matter to you like the war in Iraq, health care, economy; and not merely about the money and polls, do something about it. Do not let corporate rule win again if you truly believe that the government should be for ALL not a majority few.

Note: Just imagine, if you just vote for him and not think twice anymore, he surely is darn electable!

Election lesson number 3: Look for a leader with a vision

You and I have heard from every candidate talking about change. But none among the top three are truly for change. They are now even saying that the war in Iraq will continue until 2013. They are sounding more like Republicans (with the exception of Ron Paul), which why I believe if anyone in top three were chosen today, they will probably lose to the Republican or it will be a tight race. But Kucinich is different. Here are his plans for America:

National Security

Kucinich will bring an end to the war in Iraq and bring the troops home. He will let a UN peace keeping force to stabilize Iraq and the middle-east region. He will have a change in policy and promote "Strength through peace." He will stop the use of unilateralization and pre-emptive attacks. Instead, he will use diplomacy and peaceful initiatives to create a safe and secure America as well as a peaceful Middle-East. He will also create a Department of Peace, which would address and handle issues about violence like abuse and hate crimes. The Department of Defense will remain (and ensure security in our borders). He will use war as the last resort to solve international crisis.

Note: We, humans, must learn that the barbaric ways of the past should be over. How many wars should we be into just to learn that we're all losers in war? It is possible to have peace in this world, if only we let it begin with ourselves. So, let America step up through Kucinich.


Kucinich is the only candidate who supports a single payer, "not for profit" health care system. He co-authored HR 676 US National Health Insurance Act (or the Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act). None of the other presidential candidates support this move. Others criticize him, free health care now (really now)? I tell them, if not now, when? It's about time for everyone to have the right to access health care.

Economy and Immigration

Kucinich will withdraw the US from NAFTA and WTO, which he believes as the cause on why jobs are being displaced overseas that is affecting the low to middle-working class of America. He will create a new fair trade agreement that will protect Americans' jobs as well as other countries. Therefore, countries like Mexico will also create opportunity for their citizens and a reason to stay at home. He supports giving a path to legalization to some undocumented immigrants because America is built upon immigration.

Environment and Energy

Kucinich considers his administration as a "Works Green Administration." He will move America away from its addiction to oil by promoting alternative energies especially solar and wind technology. This will not only create millions of new jobs for the working middle-class and improve the economy but also promotes the protection of the environment. A carbon tax emission (like what other candidates are proposing) is not enough to solve the urgency of climate change in our planet. Using alternative energy will speed up the process of healing the global environment.

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The only permanent thing in this world is change. But sometimes, we have to do more than "waiting for the world to change." That's what Jamie Santi believes in. She advocates for changes she believes in; which will push humanity towards the right (more...)
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Election Lessons and Why Kucinich Ought to Be the Next President

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